Today I Learned That Joe Scarborough Thinks He’s a Singer – IOTW Report

Today I Learned That Joe Scarborough Thinks He’s a Singer

Page Six-

MSNBC host and part-time rocker Joe Scarborough played Prohibition bar last week, where he debuted a tune for fiancée and “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski.

“I wrote this song for somebody,” he said. “I don’t usually write love songs. I’ve written 400 songs, but somebody came into my life and is very special to me and I felt like I had to open myself up, and wrote a song called ‘Let’s Fall in Love.’ ”


I hadda go on the YouTube and find some of Joe’s warbling-

This is painful. (Not what the song is about, the singing.)

And it’s fitting that it was The View that invited him.

Here he is “rockin’ out” with his band. The black backup singers suggests that Joe thinks his voice is powerful and soulful enough to compete with that classic rock sound made famous by the Rolling Stones. He can’t. It’s probably why their mics don’t appear to be on for most of the song.

That’s Mika walking around videoing-

ht/ JS

23 Comments on Today I Learned That Joe Scarborough Thinks He’s a Singer

  1. Gee, I wonder if he wrote one for that young female staffer that ended up dead in his constituent office of an improbable accident when he was a Congressman. As I recall he quit politics with an remarkable speed shortly after that. Well Joe, did she get a song?

  2. Hey Schmoe, ‘Nam called, they want their anti-war song back, you’re about 50 yrs too late, but that second number will place you in the history books fer sure.
    I’m embarrassed for his children.

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