Tom Fitton With an Interesting Update – IOTW Report

Tom Fitton With an Interesting Update

We’ve followed Judicial Watch for years and have nothing but the greatest admiration for Tom Fitton and his “guns.” In a clip posted this afternoon, Mr. Fitton shares what he has heard on the future for Joe Biden and his crime family. Given the activity we’ve seen just today, I’d remind everyone that Tom Fitton does not traffic in gossip. Watch

31 Comments on Tom Fitton With an Interesting Update

  1. Say it ain’t so Joe! Say it ain’t so! You worthless piece of shit! What a TRAITOROUS BASTARD you and your entire family have been! Go to hell for eternity you fucking assholes!

  2. Well, we’ll see if Flex Fat Boy Fitton is right. I appreciate the hell out if what they’ve accomplished. But I’m also reading the very moment Biden vacates the office he’s getting the shit sued out of him by multiple groups. First up, the families of loved ones that have been murdered by “New Arrivals”. And that’s far from done.

  3. I’m with Brad. I think that Biden CAN’T drop out, because his life and the lives of those around him will suffer from the lack of control and immunity, in particular the shield that Merrick Garland’s DOJ gives him. The question then would be whether he can be forced out – and with his family’s control of DNC that seems tough. I think he has to at least be in a coma.
    I saw this morning the discussion of 25th Amendment to clear him out. KAM-a-la would be president… and she would nominate a VP, who would have to be approved by the House. They wouldn’t, then next in line would be Mike Johnson as Speaker. Do you think the Dems want to risk that???

  4. People in this country nee to understand that for the past three and a half years this administration has been operating behind the cover of a cardboard cut-out of a President and that is NOT going to change no matter who they pick to replace Jackass Joe. No matter what face they use as a so-called “candidate”, the outright preposterous lies will continue as will the skullduggery going on behind the scenes. People have a right to know who is running this country into the ground! Ayone voting D is just voting for another cardboard cut-out and the same Leftist Comunist Bastards that have been destroying this nation all along will continue on their mission! Don’t be fooled by an image or the sophistry of their outrageous lies!

  5. Was all that stuff about moving up Biden’s nomination to July 21 at a “digital convention” misdirection, or a make-shift plan that got scrapped?

    I guess when they were all whispering about Barky having a Come-To-Chocolate-Jesus moment with Biden, ValJar was busy discussing script revisions with Kamala. But whatever is going on in those vapey back rooms, it’s all about maintaining control of the narrative, getting past the real convention and grooming us for the election fraud.

    In the thread below this one, Clyburn is on the Kamala bus now, so maybe Fitton is right. The Dems need those crucial “urban precincts” to pull off their election scam, but they need the ward-heelers in those districts to be sufficiently motivated to get it done. So we may see an amazing new Kamala in the media. Enjoy your Vogue cover, Jill. It may turn out to be a parting gift.

  6. “President Harris? That’s some scary shit”.

    6 more months of Dimentia Joe is too.
    If Harris can’t do the job (ineligible) then Mike Johnson is 3rd in line.

  7. @Thirdtwin – that wasn’t about the issue of replacing Biden, it was because since the Dem convention is extremely late this year there are issues with at least Ohio, and maybe other states’ election laws for getting the name on the ballot.
    Because Dems have to cause problems every step of the way.

  8. The power of the satanic global Western cabal is almost incomprehensible. The Pedo maybe clinging on for dear life but his fate us a mere flick of the finger globally.

    Right now they are merely working out the details. Commieliar will last serve out his term but Big Mike will be the nominee. Take it to the bank…

  9. So the next question is whom will Kamala Whore of Babylon appoint as her veep?

    And you can be sure part of the deal is blanket pardon for the entire Biden crime family.

  10. LCD, the Ohio thing was part of it, to be sure, but not the only reason. And nobody’s talking about it any more. I figure whatever happens will happen well before the “digital convention” date. It may end up they go ahead with the “digital convention”, but nominate President Harris.

  11. “Trump says he got Joe out. ”

    That’s Trump jabbing Captain Brain dead and making sure he stays in the race. Trump’s got this retarded communist crime syndicate boss nailed.

  12. Good. That will give Kamala time to screw up and have to run on her own record. (What, you think the Central Committee is going to change policies for her [p]residency?)

    And, I really don’t care if Joe pardons himself or if Kamala does it; just feckin’ leave! Oh, and then figure out how to support yourself and your kin once your ‘product line’ no longer exists.

  13. The info in the Fitton video seems plausible. Dementia Joe may not have a choice and could be forced to drop out, aa his Alzheimers gets worse. Possibly accelerated by “adjusting” his meds, by the “decision makers” (not “Dr.” Jill) … in a bad way, so that he can be replaced as a candidate. His donors and down ballot Democrat candidates are mostly done with him.

    Also, Jill and the rest of the Biden Crime Family are extremely vulnerable as Biden loses his usefulness in the Democrat party. Their fortune and futures are at high risk. The Deep State don’t protect useful idiots.

    Meanwhile, Obama who is orchestrating this Democrat presidential candidate kabuki theater, and wants KamalMao to be president. Doesn’t matter if it’s for only three months (now until the Nov. election). She’s a better tool than Biden – a stupid bimbo, amoral, and easily manipulated. She keeps Obama as defacto president for as long as possible.

    Obama and the rest of the Deep State shadow government are also continually focused on criminal persecution of President Trump because they know he will win November. Plans to eliminate him or imprisonment are on a fast track, but things are spinning out of their control. Cheating won’t be enough, either. God is the key to the left’s defeat and President Trump surviving everything set against him.

    No matter what happens to Biden, and the musical chair Demwit candidates competing to be his replacement, another Demwit U.S. President won’t occupy the White House in 2025.


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