Top Republicans bash VA secretary for ‘ludicrous’ comment about Disneyland lines and veterans’ care – IOTW Report

Top Republicans bash VA secretary for ‘ludicrous’ comment about Disneyland lines and veterans’ care

 Yahoo: Secretary of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald caused a small uproar among leading Republican politicians on Monday after he said hospital wait times were not the best way to measure veterans’ satisfaction with the agency.

“When you go to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line? Or what’s important?” McDonald said at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast, the Washington Post reported. “What’s important is, what’s your satisfaction with the experience?”

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump were among those who criticized McDonald’s comments. In a series of tweets, Ryan accused McDonald of making light of the struggle veterans face to receive medical care.

“This is not make-believe, Mr. Secretary. Veterans have died waiting in those lines,” Ryan said.

Trump connected the controversy to his likely foe in the general election, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He noted that Clinton said last October that the VA’s problems were not as “widespread as it has been made out to be,” though her campaign later said she was outraged by long hospital wait times and other issues.


10 Comments on Top Republicans bash VA secretary for ‘ludicrous’ comment about Disneyland lines and veterans’ care

  1. obama, the VA and the military have failed veterans, wounded veterans, and the families of those Killed those who currently serve this nation. The president, Congress, the perfumed princes in the Pentagon and all Agencies NEVER put their lives on the line or make sacrifices as our military, yet they have an overabundant salary,excellent health care, dental plans, money for staff and expenses, insurance and golden parachute for retirement after on serving one term with full salary and never stand in harms way.

    Congress , by doing NOTHING, other than lip service, are complicit in the betrayal of our Veterans and Military.

    Representatives of who??? Themselves and their elitist club.

    The sheep in Congress no longer listens to the will of the people, ignore the Constitution as well as their sworn duties. They enter congress with meager means and leave multi- millionaires.

    They damn sure don’t represent the America I grew up in.

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