Trump Asks a Pretty Good Question About Durham and Russiagate – IOTW Report

Trump Asks a Pretty Good Question About Durham and Russiagate


It’s been going on for so long that you almost forget about it. You can’t. The sheer impact of this media-manufactured lie remains incredibly damaging and embarrassing for the industry. It’s the worst journalistic failure in the past 30 years. It’s a whopper. And no one has been punished for it. The liberal media clowns who peddled it still have their jobs. The government officials who ran with it still have their jobs. I’m talking about the Russian collusion hoax. 

We had to suffer the media peddling these outright lies about the president and his supposed dark alliance with the Kremlin for years. They conspired to tilt the election supposedly. There is zero evidence to prove such an allegation. It couldn’t be that Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate who ran a terrible campaign, right? 

At any rate, former Attorney General William Barr tapped US Attorney John Durham to get to the bottom of the Russiagate hoax. It’s a criminal probe. The final report regarding this investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion fiasco was an anticipated event. Was anyone going to jail? 


20 Comments on Trump Asks a Pretty Good Question About Durham and Russiagate

  1. Why, oh why, are they still beating this dead horse? That ship has sailed.

    I’m not convinced there ever was a John Durham, he is imaginary, designed by the Deep State to pacify Trump supporters into thinking they really gave a shit.

  2. Special Counsel John Durham has uncovered so much corruption and dishonesty and irregularities that he cannot possibly finish his investigation before President* Kalamity Harris has finished her second term. It’s that simple, you simpletons! C’mon Man! The law can’t intrude on the political destruction of this country. Just ask the Supreme Court Justices if you don’t believe the Really Special Counsel John Durham. We’ve been thoroughly had, folks.

  3. Nobody has forgotten the Durham probe, people have just abandoned any hope for justice regarding the issue. If Durham has done anything at all it was busying himself covering up any tracks leading to the guilty involved.
    The government isn’t even pretending to be objective anymore, they’re giving the public a big FU.

  4. The government hides it’s crimes from exposure under the shield of national security. They cannot and will not allow the truth to be known publicly.

  5. When a guy is selected to run an investigation, all you need to to is watch what everyone says about the pick. If they laud it as a great pick, like they did with durham, barr, mueller, you know the fix is in.

    If there is anyone willing to tell the truth in wAsh dc, he’d be ripped to shreds in the confirmation.

  6. One of the saddest things for me and Mrs. NAAC is that there has been so much unbelievable BS for the past 15 or so years that now NO conspiracy theory, no matter how bizarre, can be dismissed out of hand.

  7. Durham is likely real. But at this point, it should be obvious that his “investigation” was pure bullshit from day one. Nothing will come of it. Just like everything else Barr promised to do. It was always a ruse to run out the clock until the democrats could fix the election and win. Fuck Barr… Fuck all Bush republicans… They are traitorous, evil fucking assholes of the first order.

  8. When Barr was picked, EVERYONE including me should have known the cocksucker who awarded Lon Horiuchi a medal after he murdered Vicki Weaver was going to run out the clock.

    I said when Sessions was fired that if Trump wanted results there was only 1 pick and that was Joe diGenova. His wife, also a real ball buster is a twofer and would have come with the deal. Too bad.

    Our government is so corrupt, it’s beyond belief.

  9. Durham’s still watching kiddie porn on his computer. Barr hasn’t told him about the “election,” yet. Just keeps him supplied with towels and Vaseline.

    izlamo delenda est …


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