Trump Campaign Manager Turns Himself In At Jupiter, Florida Police Department – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Manager Turns Himself In At Jupiter, Florida Police Department

He’s been charged with battery for moving Michelle Fields out of the way.


60 Comments on Trump Campaign Manager Turns Himself In At Jupiter, Florida Police Department

  1. As in any criminal case one has to prove “intent”. This is politically motivated and I call “BULLSHIT”.
    And since it’s a misdemeanor, some goofball City Prosecutor is going to face a powerhouse Trump Legal team.
    Good luck with that.

  2. Now, remember, Ben Terris, the WAPO reporter who gave eye witness testimony on audio, as it happened, said that Lewandowski almost “threw her to the ground.”
    Fields said that he “literally went like this and was grabbing me down.”

    Then video surfaced and their story didn’t match what we could see.

    Did Lewandowski pull her back so he could pass her and get close to his client? Yes.

    Is this assault and battery?

    It is when you’re trying to bring down a candidate.
    In any other realm I’d say, “you got to be kidding me.”

    If a man made this case he’d be laughed at.
    So, are we coddling women here?

    How can we look at men and women the same way when a woman considers this assault and battery?

  3. Hmm, interesting choice for the source of this story, Gateway Pundit, a PRO Trump site.

    While I agree that it wasn’t as severe as first described, it was definitely MORE than just moving her out of the way as he has to yank her back to separate her from Trump and continues the pull until she is behind him.

    Does it qualify as battery or assault, probably not and I think this has gone too far, but I also remember that Lewandrowski swore up and down that he didn’t even touch her. Video tells a different tale.

    It might be of more service to those here to see the actual moving video rather than a couple screen shots.

  4. Hey Czar,

    I hate to have to point this out, but take another look at the 2nd to last frame. You will discover if you look closely that his right hand is grabbing her upper arm and his left hand is grabbing her forearm.

    I believe he was using it for leverage to pull and then push her aside to get past her. Since I have no idea how strong his grip might be it is possible that he could cause a bruise if he isn’t limp wristed.

    So even thought I agree it doesn’t qualify as assault or battery, he could have caused the bruise.

  5. Woody,
    you never fail to amaze.

    Interesting choice of who I’m linking??
    What does that even mean?
    These are PICTURES.

    If the Zapruder film is on a conspiracy site it’s different than if it’s on a debunking site?

    WTF dude?
    You’re losing it.

    You’ve heard the audio of the incident where Ben and Michelle describe what happened, right?
    Where Ben says, “he almost threw you to the ground.”

    You don’t think that was 2 people conspiring to build an overblown case that they never figured would be on video? Where did she almost get thrown to the ground?

    Go to the video on Gateway.
    I’m not going to scrape their entire post. That’s terrible blogging and I won’t do it.

  6. BFH, if you don’t do their reading for them and shove the proof down their throat like a baby bird, they’ll just call you a liar. Or maybe that’s just their schtick, so they never have to acknowledge anything that could hurt their “cause.”

  7. But to be fair, Gladys, it’s a 2 way street. There are Trump people who will stand by him to a fault, never acknowledging any wrong-doing because they must maintain a strong impenetrable front.
    Trump is flawed.
    Retweeting some of the people he retweeted showed a bit of idiocy on Trump’s part and people tried to explain it away.
    It was bad. I said at the time they should keep him away from Twitter. I still think they should.

    Having said that,

    I just never thought it would get to this point where anyone would be looking at this and simply not say. “ya, Fields is a drama queen. Nothing here, move along. Let’s get Trump on something less idiotic.”

    No, we get Ben Shapiro quitting Breitbart in dramatic fashion because Breitbart wouldn’t defend Fields.
    Defend what??

  8. BFH,

    Just took note of the source because it was also available at many other plain news sites, that while may have bias, are definitely not in the league of Gateway Pundit or Conservative Treehouse.

    As to the rest, you did see where I said I agree that it is NOT assault or battery, right? I think the whole thing was overblown. At most Lewandrowski owed her a simple apology and that’s it.

    So what’s with the rest of your email? A problem with my post about how he could have left the bruise?

    I haven’t defended her, but on the other side I take issue with anyone saying Lewandrowski is clean here. When he claims to have never touched her, really? The video shows otherwise.

  9. Never said Lewandowski is clean here.
    He seems like a guy that is amped up.
    That’s good in a crowd where his client is walking nakedly.
    Maybe not so good at a tea social.

    In this climate, making Trump out to be the biggest monster to have ever invaded the GOP, it’s a wonder no one has tried anything stupid with him.

  10. Boy oh boy, the left loves this crap don’t it? Cruzingers trying to low blow while fighting Trumpians.

    / Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said the incident is “the consequence of the culture of the Trump campaign — the abusive culture when you have a campaign that is built on personal insults, on attacks and now physical violence.”
    “That has no place in a political campaign, it has no place in our democracy, Cruz told reporters as he campaigned in Wisconsin, suggesting that “it helps clarify for the voters what the Trump campaign is all about.” -AP article /

    Cheezy stuff there Mr “make me president”, Just where did you learn that crap? Dang and to think I had you at the top of the list of pols to pull for … sheesh…. gives me shivers.

  11. so its the “I am so much better than you” attitude that is most concerning. Yes he touched her, yet her pushed her out of the way so admit it and move on but denying it and attacking her that way leaves me very concerned. What else would Corey deny? What would he be willing to cover up?

  12. This is assault? I guess I can sue the Secret Service for when they pinned me into a magnetometer at the Hay Adams because I had an EMPTY holster for my telephone shears. He put my left arm over my head and his other hand on my neck and pinned me onto the side of the machine. When we were done he apologized and I told him to go fuck himself.

    How much money could I have made off of that?

  13. I’m sure there will be a civil lawsuit due to her severe emotional trauma and chronic non-specific soft tissue damage, and aura bruising
    Much, much worse than reading his accursed name written in chalk

  14. Well Aggie,

    You comment;

    Member of Trump’s Secret Service detail confirms Fields touched Trump twice and was warned to stop, before Lewandowski intervened

    Just proves Lewandrowski is a moron and should leave security and the handling of people around Trump to the professionals.

    If they had already warned her at any point, then Lewandrowski could have asked the Secret Service to remove her and it would have been handled by them. As such the incident wouldn’t have happened and this wouldn’t be a topic of conversation.

    Instead because of his actions it became an incident and is now getting coverage. Maybe that’s what all parties involved wanted. Hmm….. 😉

  15. I see something ‘trending’ (damn, I despise how that phrase is used today) for quite some time now.

    Seems the media is no longer content to report the stories. They are becoming the stories. It’s political spin taken to the next level.

  16. Michelle Fields AND Ben Shapiro should be ashamed of themselves–there are thousands of women who are TRULY assaulted and no one comes to their defense–She is tying up the time and resources with this farce when it could be spent helping those truly who have suffered assault. She has no integrity, no morals, no ethics. The fact Shapiro defends her is a disgrace. She put her hands on Trump with something clearly in her closed fist–with so many death threats against him it was mandatory to move her away from Trump. WTF is wrong with you people who get on here and deny the reality no matter who you want for POTUS?

  17. I really don’t care, wouldn’t care if he bitch slapped her, I really don’t care how many women Cruz bedded, or how much he paid them.

    The COUNTRY is at stake! We need the border enforced and the muzzie invasion STOPPED COLD. Everything else is smoke.

  18. ^^^^ Agreed Al.
    #NeverHillary is our mission and our soldiers are running around like a Chinese fire drill.

    Whoops. I’m a racist.

    If I was running against Hillary the high-minded, high road peeps would be hashtagging #NeverBFH

  19. I was listening to Howie Carr this afternoon, and it turns out this is not her first ride on this rodeo. I think he talked about two other times she’s made herself the story, so to speak, with alleging assault. She and her cameraman were at an occutard event was the one I remember. Don’t recall the other.

    Lewandowski being amped is accurate and completely within bounds in this venue; who wants to be the campaign manager, or for that matter the Secret Service agent, that failed to protect their charge? Another report – and I haven’t looked into it all that much, because I think it’s a nothingburger – has her up on a chair and Lewandowski getting her down.

    All that said, along with recognizing if it weren’t Trump under the heated microscope, G-d knows what Cruz and his family would be going through, I too am with JustAl.

  20. A little perspective here.

    Ms. Fields, interviewed after “the incident” said that “this was the worst thing, with the exception of HER FATHER”S DEATH (emphasis mine) that she’s ever gone through”.

    Watch that tape, or the sixty other angles available, and let that sink in.

    She’s either a grift artiste of the first order, or a complete mental patient.

    That she’s also a very special snowflake, indeed, of that there can be no doubt.

    If she were my 28 year old daughter, I’d call her back home for some rest and some counseling.

    But this isn’t a Trump/Cruz deal.

    That is, until Ted, on cue, just made it one.

  21. Exactly Chief.
    Check the position of her right hand with the cell phone in the before and after. People that are assaulted pull their hands close to their body in a defensive position. It’s a natural reaction. This is fabricated.

  22. Thanks to Michelle Fields millions of American men will now hesitate before ever instinctively reacting to save a woman or child from accidently stepping into traffic, off a cliff, into the path of an oncoming train…..
    I know. I saved a young boy’s life many years ago. He was running away from his mother on a Miami sidewalk and rushed by me as I was standing at the curb to cross a busy street. I instictively grabbed his arm and jerked him back. His feet shot out from under him and touched the car as it rolled past. He immediately started crying and screaming because it probably shocked him and may have hurt. His mother screamed as she approached, but immediately cuddled him and thanked me because she saw what happened.

  23. all Fields requested was an apology…
    yet Lewandowski Lied,
    Trump Lied,
    Trump’s Campaign Lied,
    then Trump supporters smeared Fields with Lies.

    lesson(s) learned?
    Lewandowski now silent.
    Trump Lying,
    Trump campaign lying..
    Trump supporters smearing… everyone

    Trump Campaign is imploding right before your eyes.

  24. Caught a few minutes of Levin.
    Like Beck, I can not tolerate his worship of the Canadian Cuban.
    Levin was supposed to be a strict Constitutional scholar. Now he’s sold out to the Canadian Cuban.

  25. All I know I see him reaching past SS guys and yanking her back. He clearly grabbed he arm and yanked her back.
    That is not cool. If somebody did that to my wife or daughter there would’ve been a scuffle. Because he shouldn’t have done that.

    I don’t think she would’ve pressed charges if he would’ve apologized but instead he called her a liar on twitter and said he never touched her.

  26. JP, could you please post a link to what you are watching. Because what you describe is not in anything posted here. I hate when liberals try and infiltrate this place. That or he’s eating Peyote. Look at her right hand before and after. This is bull shit except for weak sisters like JP. And thank God Trump showed some loyalty to his guy.

  27. Bad Brad,
    I’m looking at the overhead security camera. If you can’t see him reach past the SS guy and grab her left arm and yank her back, you’re Trump blinders are on full blind mode.

    Her right hand nothing to do with this. It is the left that he grabs and yanks. If he does that to my wife or daughter he is in for it.

    So I’m a liberal just because I think this guy is a douchebag for yanking a woman by the arm because he doesn’t want her to ask a question to Trump and then he lies about it on Twitter.

    Seems like you like to judge without evidence.

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