Trump Campaign Posts About Kamala Harris “Serious Drinking Problem” Rumors – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Posts About Kamala Harris “Serious Drinking Problem” Rumors

The Trump campaign went public Saturday night with an allegation of rumors about Kamala Harris having a serious drinking problem.

James Blair, political director for the Trump 2024 presidential campaign and the RNC posted on X Twitter, “A lot of rumors out there about Kamala having a serious drinking problem…apparently coming into focus as campaign heats up. ⏳Stay Tuned…”

A video clip of Harris on Thursday introducing Joe Biden made some wonder if she has a drinking problem:

25 Comments on Trump Campaign Posts About Kamala Harris “Serious Drinking Problem” Rumors

  1. Don’t blink. This is step one by the uniparty in the process of deep sixing Kakala and (probably) Tampy and replacing them with some hairballs they urp up at the DNC convention. This’ll be fast.

  2. MissInMi, I totally agree. People think Kamala is bad, but she is just a fool.

    Whitmer is much worse because she is actually functional. She’s evil and functional.

  3. Potential Spelling bee contestant and Potatoe King, Dan Quayle was a much better VP then KamShilla, and I thought a log would’ve done a better job as a VP then Dan Quayle from 1989 to 1993. And that was 30 years ago.
    this is truly Idiocracy coming to fruition.
    it’s like politics is going in reverse lately or something.
    there seems to be way too may old stupid deathly looking people in politics. the leftovers in the swamp have been rotting the past 4 years, and now it needs a drain cleaning.

  4. It doesn’t matter if she’s an alcoholic or she has never touched a drop. Make the claim and spread it far and wide 24/7. That’s how they play the game so fuck them!


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