Trump Doubles Down On Criticism of Scott Walker After Endorsement of Cruz – IOTW Report

Trump Doubles Down On Criticism of Scott Walker After Endorsement of Cruz

In August of last year, Trump said Walker was mismanaging Wisconsin because he didn’t want to raise taxes just before a presidential bid. As a consequence he said services were ignored and the state was running a deficit of over a billion dollars.

Today, Trump, again, denigrated Walker for not raising taxes, a bold stance considering most conservatives are happy with a bit of austerity. But Trump said schools have suffered and have gone “begging.”

When unions beg I like it.



18 Comments on Trump Doubles Down On Criticism of Scott Walker After Endorsement of Cruz

  1. Trump has lived off political connections and taxes are the life blood that keeps that political system afloat.

    He is currently the worst possible choice on the Republican side, if you are a conservative hoping to see the size of government reduced. The rest of those who were even worse than Trump have left the stage currently.

    I sure hope this isn’t a glimpse into what a Trump administration would be like, but I fear it is just that as he was off script for a moment where it was “Trump being Trump”.

  2. Ted, good thing you decided to come out from being an anonymous anti-Cruz jerk to at least showing your true colors by choosing a name.

    You being new here I suppose Fur hasn’t blasted you for peppering the boards with active videos.

    The shit gets old enough as is without you doing it to every single thread.

  3. so in the end, the Trump supporters tick off the Cruz supporters so much that the Cruz supporters stay home and we get shillary? If I did not know better I would think this was all a plan by the dems to get us to destroy each other. Uncle Remus taught me about this when I was a wee lad!!

  4. Yes. Cruz is a globalist. (Funny the folk who call Trump a big government type. Don’t they read? Don’t they listen? Don’t they think? Just mumble the meme….?)

    A big Trump operative just denounced the man this morning in an open letter to Trump supporters. Her points are good, but she’s young and naive. I have no illusions about his ego. He’s clearly, however, the pick of the litter. …..Lady in Red

  5. @ uhh, lady in red

    Possibly trump is ” the pick of the litter” if you’re looking for a dog who licks you one day then bites you the next, pees on your corn flakes and is unpredictable.

    A new word for you, “discernment”.
    the quality of being able to understand clearly.

    I am simply amazed I’ve made it through 6 decades without your keenness and depth of perception. But then I’m probably not smart enough to figure it out on my own, just damn lucky I guess.

  6. Walker and the Republican controlled legislator put a stop to the big short falls of previous state governments.

    From this article co-authored by Jim Hoft

    The latest biannual budget continues tax relief to citizens, getting the UW spending under control and reasonable management of the state’s finances, that despite not taking the Obamacare Medicaid bribe for short term gains.

    The state has the lowest state debt per capita of its neighbors and has improved its bond rating under Walker.

    I’m not sure why Trump feels compelled to tell the governor how to manage his own state.

  7. Ah, Cato! Yep: discernment is a good word. (So, in fact, is discrimination, but we won’t go there, shall we? ….smile…)

    I am sick sick sick of his recounting his poll numbers, talking about his steaks and his businesses. But, if you squint, you will understand that it would be easy for him to sit, now, and play with his grand-babies and his golf clubs, not wear a bullet-proof vest every day of his life and worry that someone might get a clear, clean head shot. He doesn’t need this. He has ideas. New ones. Read about NATO recently? ….smile. I had not.

    Trump is running because he *cares* and he’s the only candidate in that column. So far, that’s good enough for me. …Lady in Red

  8. @Lady in Red
    I pray he’ll (trump) start caring about the unborn and the resulting murder through the assistance of planned parenthood and federal funding.
    Until then, it’s really a deal breaker for me in the primaries.
    The general election?
    The GOP nominee will get my vote.

    For the record, I have not been lucky in life, I have been and remain blessed.

    Blessings to you.

  9. Ah, Cato. As a wise man once said, “You’re a strange strange man, Master Jack.”

    I don’t like your values. Upside down! *I* would say that you lack discernment, but…. whatever. ….Lady in Red

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