Trump Hater Meets Trump – Now She Loves Him – IOTW Report

Trump Hater Meets Trump – Now She Loves Him

President Donald J. Trump made a surprise visit to a Houston shelter. Shanna Miles & Likisha Collins had a chance to interact with him. “I had a different opinion of him, now I think he’s a wonderful man,” Collins said. Miles said, “he’s a really cool dude when you get to meet him!”

16 Comments on Trump Hater Meets Trump – Now She Loves Him

  1. Oh man, clearly those bonafide Christian men of the cloth, Jesse and Al, will condemn her for saying such a thing and call for her to be shunned by the other good Christians that follow their word over God’s.

  2. One time I fell asleep with the TV on. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear a 2am interview show with Donald Trump.

    At the time I thought of Trump as an idiot but was too dazed to hit the off
    button – I had to kind of lay there listening to the interview.

    What I heard changed my mind about him.

    Trump was talking about what it took for him to build this huge condo complex on the NYC Hudson riverside – Trump Place – many many buildings – 10 blocks.

    He had to get permits to tear down the dilapidated warehouses and remove the debris. Permits from three different municipalities for construction permits. Contracts with dozens of unions. Construction contracts. On and on. Very complex.

    Now, in the place of a run down blighted area there are dozens of beautiful luxurious condo buildings. It is a very nice area. Trump has vision and ability.

    He is not the buffoon many on the left perceive him to be. Quite the opposite.

  3. @Billy; @Joe; and if you page down there’s a video of what he describes as white supremacists beating a man as well as two videos of Democrats demonizing Trump and belittling his efforts. Hmmm, I guess in the middle of having to report the President making friends and people of all races working together he had to get that in there. ABC, the Goebbels arm of the Disney Corporation.

  4. Mr Anth Ropy: they (media) say Trump is an idiot, as they did with Bush 1 & 2, Reagan, Ford and Eisenhower. Nixon was wasn’t an idiot, he was evil. Hoover, and ,Coolege were also portrayed as imbeciles.

  5. Coolidge was probably the best, particularly because of his nonintervention in crises and letting the free market sort it out. He inherited a potentially huge recession. He did nothing (in fact gov’t spending dropped while he was president, although it was winding down WWI), recession was over in months. It’s a shame he didn’t run for reelection.

  6. Coolidge was great. A man of few words. I love the story where a woman comes up two Silent Cal and said she had a bet that she could get him to say more than two words. “You lose.” was his reply.

  7. He is not the buffoon many on the left perceive him to be. Quite the opposite.

    Indeed. Unfortunately, this won’t make a dent into the thick heads of the True Believers. They’ll see this on their tv screens and mutter to themselves “Of course they think he’s good now; they’re bleck (insert Lethal Weapon SA accent)and stupid. And go on to tell us all that he’s a racist, and so is anyone who voted for him.

    Good for her though.

  8. Wonder how many people were surprised to find that obama and Michael were in fact warm people who genuinely cared about others?

    Yeah, I say absolutely zero too. ROTFL Who’d believe that crapola?!

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