Trump Said He Requested 10K National Guard Troops at Capitol Prior to Riot But Was ‘Rejected’ – IOTW Report

Trump Said He Requested 10K National Guard Troops at Capitol Prior to Riot But Was ‘Rejected’


Days before the Capitol riot on January 6, President Trump personally requested that 10,000 National Guard troops be deployed at the Capitol over concerns of the crowd size, he revealed on “The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton” on Fox News Sunday evening. He said the request was denied over the optics that the troops’ presence would create.

We actually req—I requested, I said, ‘look, this rally is going to be bigger than anyone thinks,’ because everyone I’d see says, ‘we’re going to be at the rally, we’re going to be at the rally,’ and I think it was the largest crowd I’ve ever spoken to before, and I’ve spoken to very big crowds. Hundreds of thousands of people,” Trump explained. “And I said, ‘you should have 10,000’—I think I gave the number. I definitely gave the number—’you should have 10,000 National Guardsman. I think you should have 10,000 of the National Guard ready.’ They took that number, from what I understand. They gave it to the people at the Capitol, which is controlled by Pelosi, and I heard they rejected it because it wouldn’t look good.”

“So, you know, that was a big mistake,” Trump added. read more

11 Comments on Trump Said He Requested 10K National Guard Troops at Capitol Prior to Riot But Was ‘Rejected’

  1. If this is true, he shoulda tweeted it out, called a press conference to announce it, or done something else to mention it before the fact. Now it just sounds like CYA BS.

    Even to me.

  2. How can a leg image President be denied NG troops and an illegitimate President be given them?

    I must channel Yakov S. When I say “what a country!”

  3. If President Trump sez it, then I believe it! The man has more credibility in his little finger than Jackass Joe has in 47 Years of all his Bullshit, Lying and Plagearism!


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