Trump Sets GOP Record for Individual Donors – IOTW Report

Trump Sets GOP Record for Individual Donors


The Donald J. Trump Campaign for President announced Saturday in a statement that it has hauled in a a total of $360 million from a record-breaking 2.6 million individual donors.

The millions of individual people who have contributed to Trump’s presidential bid throughout the election season total the largest donor pool of any other Republican candidate in history, the campaign claimed, despite the fact the total amount raised by Trump still trails the $480 million raised and spent by 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney. Most of those contributions came from small donors.

“These numbers show that Donald Trump continues to have incredible broad based support from across America,” Steven Mnuchin, Donald J. Trump for President Finance Chairman, said in the statement. “We want to thank our many volunteers and contributors that are clearly committed to electing Donald J. Trump as President in November.”


4 Comments on Trump Sets GOP Record for Individual Donors

  1. Most primary votes in Republican primary history.

    Most GOP individual donations in Republican history.

    Mass democrat exodus to the Republican Party in Pennsylvania.

    And Hillary has it in the bag? 🤔

  2. Mean while he’s 11 points down in the latest poll. One of the best things about a Trump land slide would be watching Dana Purino and Chris Stirewalt go find real jobs.

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