Trump Slams ‘Crazy’ Bill Clinton Plan to Give Detroit Jobs to Syrian Refugees – IOTW Report

Trump Slams ‘Crazy’ Bill Clinton Plan to Give Detroit Jobs to Syrian Refugees

Breitbart: In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump blasted Bill Clinton’s suggestion that the United States use Syrian refugees to rebuild Detroit.

The populist billionaire denounced Clinton’s suggested proposal as “crazy” and “unfair” to American workers who are already living there and are in need of good-paying jobs.

“It’s very unfair to the people that are living there. I think it’s crazy,” Trump told Breitbart on Thursday. “I mean, these people are getting started—I think it’s a very, very hard place to get your start.”

“We shouldn’t have them [i.e. Syrian refugees] in the country,” Trump added. “We don’t know who these people are. We have no idea. This could be the all time great Trojan horse. We have no idea who they are. The whole thing is ridiculous. Number one: we should build safe zones over in Syria, that’s what we should have, and we should have the Gulf states fund them. It’s just crazy. We ought to be building safe zones in Syria and not taking these people in– whether it’s Detroit or anywhere else.”

Detroit-native and former GOP presidential contender Ben Carson echoed Trump’s sentiment in a Friday interview on Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125.

Carson explained that “we need to take care of our own people” and noted that the policies of Democrat politicians have turned many Americans living in Detroit into refugees in their own country.  MORE

7 Comments on Trump Slams ‘Crazy’ Bill Clinton Plan to Give Detroit Jobs to Syrian Refugees

  1. No more filthy disgusting low IQ
    unskilled Muzzies or bat shit crazy
    Somalians.We can’t take care of our own
    legal citizens.Sorass needs to be brought to
    trial and hung by the neck.

  2. Bill Clinton is crazy like a fox. Sabotaging Hillary’s campaign at the same time Hillary is covertly hitting up wealthiest people in America for campaign funds. Hillary loses in a landslide with a billion or more betwen her campaign fund and family trust. After losing they get to keep all that money.

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