Spectator US: President Donald Trump successfully trolled Democrats once again Monday — hosting a packed rally the night before their New Hampshire primary election and successfully directing attention and energy away from Democratic campaigners desperate to interest voters.
The near-overflowing arena at Southern New Hampshire University stood in stark contrast to the sparsely attended campaign trail events put on just around the corner by Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, and the rest of the Democratic field.
Bernie Sanders may have a rabid online fan base, but how many would camp out all night and day in the frigid February snow for a chance to see their political hero? Warren couldn’t even get hungry diners to glance up from their meals long enough to ask for their vote.
‘I LOVE Trump,’ a concession stand worker said enthusiastically as she doled out chicken tenders and fries to the hundreds of people lined up for food and drink. Attendees danced and sang along to classic rock anthems by Billy Joel and Elton John for hours before the president’s speech, putting Mayor Pete Buttigieg team’s ‘High Hopes’ dance to shame. MORE
It’s ‘Prwsident’ Trump. Show him respect he deserves.
Meanwhile, Biden just got a massive ass kicking in New Hampshire!
Under 9% as of 8:30pm
I’m sorry. Are the Commiecrats having some sort of get together in Cow Hampshire tonight? Only media care.
BREAKING: Biden on hunt for stolen spotlight. Recommends drone strikes against Atlantis. Orders Greyhound bus driver that “THERE WILL BE NO STOPS UNTIL VICTORY”.
Canada left unfazed.
Trump steals the Dems’ spotlight at New Hampshire rally
President Trump is in the the spotlight, all right, but it’s not the Dems’. The Dems are in the bug zapper.
I just hope Rs don’t stay at home in November thinking this election is in the bag. It is not!