Trump’s Election Lead To Weinstein’s Arrest – IOTW Report

Trump’s Election Lead To Weinstein’s Arrest

It wasn’t because women had grown angry and frustrated at a system that allowed high profile celebrity democrats to sexually assault women. No, it was disgust that Donald Trump was elected president that was the final straw, at least according to the Associated Press. The secret recording released by Access Hollywood, of the billionaire joking about how women allow themselves to be handled roughly by the rich and famous, was the beginning of the #metoo campaign . More

9 Comments on Trump’s Election Lead To Weinstein’s Arrest

  1. Let the tears flow like the river Nile. Boohoo, the free thinkers are beginning to see the light. Even that horrid Farrakhan is taking a different perception of POTUS. “Mr. Trump is destroying every enemy that was an enemy of our rise.” Sounds like the plantation is gonna be emptied sooner rather than later. #MeToo is bs. Weinstein didn’t invent that casting couch and neither did POTUS. I hope this signals the FU to the socialist Dems forever.

  2. From the AP article:

    Campoamor agreed the Weinstein case should be viewed in the context of Trump’s rise to the White House.

    “We heard these stories (about Weinstein) after a man accused of sexual assault and harassment from multiple women ascended to the highest office in the country,” she said.

    The AP assumed she was referring to Trump. More appropriately applied to Bill Clinton.

  3. Why does media (the right included) always misquote Trump or not include the full context of his statements. He DID NOT say that he grabbed women in the you-know-what but rather women would allow famous people to grab them in the you-know-what. Also, he referred to SOME Mexican immigrants as being criminals not ALL. Yet rarely do I hear the talking heads of the right jump to Trump’s defense based on these out-of-context quotes.

  4. The title: Trump’s Election Lead To Weinstein’s Arrest

    I was taught in school that the past tense of “lead” was “led” not “lead”; “kneel” was “knelt” not “kneeled”; “plead” was “pled” not “plead”. I know that the alternate spellings are acceptable now (I looked them up) but it’s hard for an old dog to learn new spellings.


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