Trump’s EPA Leaving Iowa Corn In Our Gas – IOTW Report

Trump’s EPA Leaving Iowa Corn In Our Gas

The excessive power of the early primary states continues with Iowa corn farmers given a federal boost with the EPA making only minor tweaks to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The U.S. gasoline supply will have to continue to blend in 15 billion gallons of ethanol annually for the foreseeable future.

While refiners have been trying to hold the line at a 10 percent blend wall, the forecast for 2018 is that the amount of ethanol in our fuel supply will rise to 10.5 percent.


Beyond 10 percent ethanol is threshold were the additive causes problems to older and smaller engines.

19 Comments on Trump’s EPA Leaving Iowa Corn In Our Gas

  1. Any amount of ethanol is reportedly not good for engines.

    There’s got to be a better use for government subsidized corn.

    End the Food Stamps/WIC/EBT Card program. Return to Surplus Food Banks where able-bodied Useless Eaters can pick up their bushel of subsidized free corn, cheese etc.

    Spraying the free food with Sedatives and Contraceptives might be helpful also.

  2. Is it all the glyphosate and pesticides sprayed in Iowa that makes them “special?” How about Consumer Choice at The Pump? Can one of you stinking politicians write bill that gets us out of this shit?

  3. Ethanol in gasoline is BS of course and it’s disappointing that POTUS doesn’t end the practice. But, politics are politics, if this is the price for having Trump in the WH to get other important things done so be it. . . until next term.

  4. It’d be one thing if people voluntarily choose vehicles that could use E10 or higher E50 and demanded it at the pump, but for the government to force it’s use is economically unsound and a waste of food and resources.

  5. Government payola pure and simple. Them corn farmers are industrialized and big campaign donors.

    Wonder what their payback percentage is? Bet it makes my 401K returns look like glacial migration.

  6. You people on this site are democrate stupid. The ethanol plants get subsidized not the farmer. And car companys make cars able to use ethanol. You guys are living in the old days. Grow your own damn food idiots.

    I’d rather it eat than try to burn the alcohol derived from it in my car. Take away the subside to the producers and get rid of the mandate to burn it in our cars and what happens to the price on all that excess corn in Iowa? – Dr. Tar

  7. Perfect example how commie system works. Start small, nobody sees it, nobody hears it, if it does “its for a greater good”. Than grow it up slowly, one regulation here, another there. After 10-15 years viola you’ve got yourself a monster that gonna eat your children alive, and nobody, but nobody can do fuck about it, because “its to big to let it fail”.
    Except one “small” thing: revolution, reset everything to zero. 😉

  8. If the ethanol ban were to take effect, the farmers around here would have to drive 2+ year old cars and trucks. $7 dollar a bushel corn made them feel rich…..It’s pretty much all legacy farming around me and these folks do pretty damned good….

  9. @Dr.Tar the price of corn would be just fine. Ethanol plants produces more than renewable fuel. It produces feed for cattle, poultry and fish. Plus ethanol is made from switchgrasses and hemp etc. in the south thats usually all they use.

  10. My son has been going to school in Lima Ohio over the past couple of years. Long enough to have picked up a local girl for girlfriend.

    I was surprised to learn from her that about 80% of the corn being grown there is for ethanol not food; human or animal feed. So, yeah the fed government has the farmers on a leash, where they’re controlled either directly or by what they see as their own best interest. The program needs to end, crappy fuel.

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