Here’s some tweets from “Trump’s” twitter –
-Rosie O’Donnell has been awfully quiet lately, I’m guessing it’s because she still has food in her mouth.
-I programmed my TiVo to record #Scandal tonight but instead it recorded Hillary Clinton’s latest interview. Honest mistake.
-I’m perfectly fine with this election coming down to who has the hottest daughter.
-After telling the #SyrianRefugees that they’d be relocated to Detroit and Chicago they said no thanks it’s safer back home.
-I’ve decided to make my shadow my Vice President since Joe Biden proved all the job requires is to stand behind the POTUS and do nothing.
-Fixing America will be tough, but I bet Ben Carson will take a stab at it.
-I tried to read the Koran once but the Muslim who owned it before me carved out the inside of it to hide a weapon.
-Critics who claim it’s hard to round up illegal immigrants clearly have never pulled into a Home Depot in a truck. They practically jump in!
Parody? Truth be told, he could probably get away with these “tweets”. His polling numbers would just keep going up.
How many of orphans are going to attend school with the Obama girls?
He needs to weave some of these, and more, in his next rally speech.
Here’s another one he can add:
Barky Obama has been awfully quiet lately, I’m guessing it’s because he still has Reggie Love in his mouth.
“It’s too bad ISIS suicide bombers don’t realize Lindsey Graham is one of the 72 virgins they get in paradise.”
Great find!
Obama fancies himself a stand-up comedian, looks like Trump could kick his ass at that too!
Have you all read the latest Kasich slams The Donald has tweeted? LOL!
Here’s a real Trump tweet:
Watch Kasich squirm — if he is not truthful in his negative ads I will sue him just for fun!
Looks like Kasich is the jackal appointed to attack Trump. Starts soon.
Sounds like what the Trump campaign left in the green room. He’ll use one of them to gin up press coverage again, real soon.