Trump’s Wall Shows Up at Rally – IOTW Report

Trump’s Wall Shows Up at Rally

It looks strangely like Lindsey Graham.

8 Comments on Trump’s Wall Shows Up at Rally

  1. @LocoBlancoSaltine
    That actually makes me very happy.
    [really though, do you think that Roger Waters has legal grounds to sue? because I think he might.]

  2. FWIW…Here in Florida I am seeing some Trump bumper stickers and some Saunders yard signs.
    No signs for Hillary or Rubio at all.

    Every day there’s a little hen cluster of old ladies and local students holding Honk For Sanders signs on a main intersection.
    My pro-Rubio acquaintances have cooled on Grinning Boy and are now leaning Cruz. But they will vote Trump if he’s the nominee.
    Rubio is toast come 8 pm Mar.15.

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