Trust FOX? Trust Megyn Kelly? She brings on Michael Moore to bash Trump – IOTW Report

Trust FOX? Trust Megyn Kelly? She brings on Michael Moore to bash Trump

Megyn Kelly’s guest last night was none other than Michael Moore. Moore bashed Trump while Megyn Kelly faux excused that he wasn’t brought on her show to do that.

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53 Comments on Trust FOX? Trust Megyn Kelly? She brings on Michael Moore to bash Trump

  1. I honestly believe that Kelly thinks this a all a big joke. It’s all about her. She seem happy a a pig in shit with fishface Moore but tries to rip Trump apart. I hope Trump sticks to his guns and makes FOX squirm.

  2. THAT strumpet diva-wannabe thinks its all about her….yes indeed…and it is, showing what a piece of work she and FOX have become…boycott FOX, nothing worth seeing there anymore…and as to giving that bitch face time, it so NOT happening….

  3. Kelly having Moore on AT ALL at any time is plain weird.
    Especially smiling and giving him a nice intro.
    Fox is supposedly “our network.”
    Sure it is.
    Kelly is supposedly “our anchor.”
    Sure she is.
    I feel the same way about this as I did Sarah Palin putting her arm around Al Sharpton and smiling for the big night out at SNL.


    To be fair, there wasn’t any “bashing” of Trump in the 3 minutes of this that I watched.
    I’m not going to watch any more of that asshole.

  4. Fox News ….. fair and balanced.

    Fox giving the biased, shameless, socialist and partisan minority a forum to spew deceit and deception.

    Who will megan have on after michael moore?
    al sharpton, angela davis or marxist kshama sawant ????

  5. She doesn’t care. The enemy will do whatever thew can to knock their critics out. Her game all along was to discredit Trump. She’s nothing but a media whore, she has lost any respect I had for her. I’m now back into favoring Trump, he appears to be the underdog in all this conflict. He’s playing them so well.

  6. kelly had said that there will be a much different race post-debate than pre-debate

    i think she’s right

    trump’s poll numbers will go up, as many hate fox, and he may even pick up some from the left

  7. What Kelly did in the first debate was really bad and low. I totally disagree with her on that. I’m ok with her on her investigative stuff or interviews on things like Benghazi.

    But that first Fox debate, the moderators were terrible and the he said she said they did with the candidates was pathetic.

    I can’t blame Trump for being mad, but it’s kind of like pot, meet kettle, with the way he fires low brow shots at his opponents.

  8. Megyn is a business woman. Business women are calculating. She cares as much about her brand, as Trump cares about his. When two powerful and influential people meet they can either agree to disagree, and have respect for one another, or start a war.

    Don’t know how it will end. I HOPE eventually, it’s a mutual agree to disagree and respect.

  9. I think Limbaugh’s starting to lose it. Today’s opening monologue was all about poor, poor pitiful Rushbo because he knew all these fine people, and it was soooooo hard for him to say anything against anyone…. ’cause he knew them sooooo well.

    “I’ve met Trump. I’ve talked to Cruz & he’s so bright & learned. And I know Roger Ailes, & we’re such great friends….and I love Meygan and her husband …..and I’ve met Jeb! …and I know Rubio ….and I spoke to Carson ….and I talked to Paul …. and Santorum …. & Huckabee …. and….”
    ….for the whole monologue!

    Later, towards the end of the show he talked about how some caller probably ‘misunderstood’ something Kelly said. Then said he loves radio because no one can misunderstand what he has to say.
    Then after the commercial break he comes back & says, “oops no time to get to the story (about me!) where the media misunderstood what I said yesterday …

  10. Kelly and her FOX establishment bosses are playing a spiteful, strategic game that Trump is well aware of and he will get the last word. As much as the leftist media protests, it’s still all about Trump – He’s their meal ticket.

  11. Anyone who thinks this is a cat fight between Trump and Kelly are missing the big picture. The big Trump Take Down has been and still is being orchestrated across the Fifth Column. It just happens to be Fox’s turn at bat and I would add that Fox has the biggest bat because people actually bought the idea that they are conservative-friendly. Anyone who has watched O’Reilly, Kelly and, now, even Hannity (yes, Hannity) knows they may talk about a lot of issues important to conservatives, but in the end it all just peters out into another day, another news cycle, another paycheck for Fox. Trump just upset their little red wagon. What’s worse, conservatives of the Cruz stripe are being too quick to give cover to their man. Cruz should have walked, too, if he wanted to win over converts to his campaign.

    From the first Fox debate, Bret Baier:


    The script — which Baier didn’t have to use — took a page from Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice” TV show. It went like this: “Mr. Trump, in your business you have rules. You follow rules. We have rules on this stage. We don’t want to have to escort you to the elevator outside this boardroom.”

    “We’re hoping we don’t have to use it,” Baier said later. “But we’re locked and loaded.”

  12. Hey Folks this is an important read:
    “REPORT: Fox News DID Attempt Trump Political “Kill Shot”

    excerpt: “Now this from our friends at Breitbart News published late yesterday:
    Google and Fox TV Invite Anti-Trump, Hitler-Citing, Muslim Advocate to Join Next GOP TV-Debate
    “Fox News and Google have invited three YouTube personalities to ask questions at the Jan. 28 GOP debate — including a Muslim advocate (Nabela Noor) who describes Donald Trump as a bigot and who visually portrayed him as being in agreement with national socialist Adolf Hitler.”

  13. apparently miss kelly enjoys her new found membership to the ruling elite cocktail party circuit and is going to wholly embrace the liberal dogma so as not to jeopardize it.

    the libs can have her.


    This link

    is from the “Scott Adams blog”…
    He’s the guy who draws the cartoon DILBERT.
    He’s also a former Business School student,
    who appreciates the art of persuasion.

    Here’s his latest…about TRUMP vx FOX…


    He also wrote a semi-funny/semi-serious book,
    “How to fail at almost everything and still win big : kind of the story of my life”

  15. Anyone here with any thoughts that Fox News is concerned about The Good of The American People need to take a look at their board of directors listing. If there was ever a shot at taking these bastards down — not just Fox, but all of them — this is it. Trump’s War is my war.

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