Zero Hedge-
Several bombshell claims were made on Tucker Carlson’s show while he interviewed Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, a retired United States Army officer who was awarded a Bronze Star for valor in Afghanistan.
Carlson stated that billions of dollars’ worth of US arms are being siphoned off and sold to America’s enemies. While the black market arms trade in Ukraine during the war has long been documented, including in mainstream media sources, Carlson and his guest Col. Davis agreed that many weapons have made it into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, among other criminal organizations.
Ukraine receives American weapons, they are skimmed by Ukrainian military officials, who then sell them to the cartels, the show asserted.
“They sell weapons to drug cartels… the fact is that the Ukrainian military sells a huge percentage, up to half of the weapons we send them. And this is not my guess. This is a fact. Not speculation. They sell it, and a lot of it ends up with drug cartels on our border. So this is a crime,” Carlson said, quoted by RIA Novosti.
“They’re selling it, and a lot of it winds up with the drug cartels on our border,” he also said. more
Simple solution –
Stop sending stuff to Ukraine.
Blow the cartels to smithereens.
Then find the people in the USA who are orchestrating this and string them up.
No, who would have thought?? That can’t be, weren’t they vetted?? NO?
It’s worse, but Elon is on the hunt:
I can guarantee she saved money by not purchasing any beauty products. Yeeech.
Shocking that the most corrupt country in all of Europe would do this. Any surprise that this is the Uni-parties biggest client? Do you not think that everyone in Ukraine above the level of Colonel already has an escape plan? They’re all coming to America with the millions of dollars we’ve given them. Then they will contribute to the democrats to repay their debts of gratitude.
Many years ago it was found that Filipino Generals in command of forces fighting regional Islamic or Communist seperationists were selling almost 50% of their weapons to said guerillas. The reason was clear: More fighting meant more promotions. Most of their wives already lived in the US. The soldiers under their command and the local civilian populations were just collateral damage on the way to riches.
Ditto Ukraine. They knew they were beat from day one. Everything else is just window dressing.
ATF is pissed if Ukraine is competing for the Mexican Gun Market.
F-the ATF, circumventers of the Constitution.
F-Ukraine, US Taxpayers do not approve.
I forgot…..
F the Cartels too.
They are all criminals.
OTOH- check this rebuttal:
Sooooo … Biden, et al, are STILL getting a cut?
There is absolutely no reason for the US of A to be involved in Ukraine –
EXCEPT to launder tax dollars and grift for the politicians/Deep-Staters.
The CIA, NSA, and what other spook agencies exist, are running their own ops there in order to enrich themselves as the pols/Deep-Staters are. In fact, they’re probably doing the transport and banking for the maggots while the FBI is handling the domestic end along with the ATF to actually put the weapons in the hands of the cartels.
Nothing surprises me any more.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …