(Tucker Carlson Tonight) James Comey claims spying on the 2016 Trump campaign was normal – IOTW Report

(Tucker Carlson Tonight) James Comey claims spying on the 2016 Trump campaign was normal

Wait… It’s not ‘spying’. It’s ‘Investigating‘.

12 Comments on (Tucker Carlson Tonight) James Comey claims spying on the 2016 Trump campaign was normal

  1. The reason they are so comfortably vocal now is they are cooking up a “foolproof” plan to ensure Trump is defeated in 2020, ensuring this will all fall into the woodwork after the election, and their necks are saved.
    It is our job as true patriot citizens to make sure their plan is CRUSHED! Start screaming from the hilltops NOW!

  2. They were big and bad a month ago, and then once Trump told Barr to declassify docs, they started pointing fingers at each other. By end of next month, they’ll be on CNN crying and telling us 0bama and hillary made them do it!


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