Turns out, the lowest place In America is not DC – IOTW Report

Turns out, the lowest place In America is not DC

The Secrets of Death Valley Uncovered.

The Lowest Place On Earth? Surprisingly, also not DC. It’s The Dead Sea.

8 Comments on Turns out, the lowest place In America is not DC

  1. I thought the ‘lowest point on Earth (if you’re going by surface indentations) is the Marianas Trench?

    I stand corrected … the lowest point on Earth is anywhere a D’rat progressive stands … especially Jerry Nadler

  2. The crazy iotw headline title notwithstanding, ahem, I have floated in the Dead Sea and it was awesome!
    Mounds of salt, shallow water you would have to work hard to drown in and a fair amount of Israeli and Egyptian chickies covered in mud for their skin healing abilities.
    I’d go back in a heartbeat.
    Could have floated to Jordan but considered that a bad move for an American…

  3. Maybe we should send all the DC swamp dwellers to Guam so it can tip over (like Congressman Hank Johnson said) on the South side of Guam and deposit all of them straight down into the nearby Marianna’s Trench. It would be a feeding frenzy for most of the sharks except for those few who would extend professional courtesy to their fellow human sharks. And tell Davey Jones that Jacques Cousteau sent them down below.


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