Twerkistan? – IOTW Report

19 Comments on Twerkistan?

  1. I simply do not understand these people and do not care to. Hellfire missiles versis mongoloid muzzies I understand. They hate western “culture” but emulate negro slave descendants who are antithetical to wester. Culture and civil society. These muzzfucks think that real Americans behave like humping dogs?
    Nope. African Americans might do that.

  2. Wait, wait, wait!

    1. Music = forbidden
    2. Dancing = forbidden

    Forget the twerking, they should be killed just for those two!

    Actually, the twerking IS valid to determine the method of killing … throwing them off a roof sounds good.

  3. They’re just practicing for having to hop around dealing with the Eternal HOTFOOT, Satan will be reveling in that twerk and FDR will be wishing he could do it.

  4. Islam defines homosexuality as a male above the age of accountability (below which one is not responsible for one’s sins) wanting to receive anal sex from another male. This means that homosexual sex with underage boys (willing or not), and homosexual rape of enemies is NOT homosexual. So, the men who raped Colonel Qaddafi and Ambassador Stevens, and the Afghan officer whose rape of a little boy was stopped by a US Army soldier are not homosexuals. Also, dancing boys who make extra money having sex with older men are not homosexuals, until after a certain age.


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