Twitter blocks users from re-tweeting and using ‘Fire Scott Israel’ petition: ‘Link may be unsafe’ – IOTW Report

Twitter blocks users from re-tweeting and using ‘Fire Scott Israel’ petition: ‘Link may be unsafe’

AMERICAN MIRROR: The Rebel Media wants Florida Gov. Rick Scott to fire Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel as soon as possible, but the gatekeepers for the almighty Twitter apparently think it’s a bad idea.

“Twitter running cover for Scott Israel by discouraging people from clicking our #FireScottIsrael petition link,” The Rebel TV host John Cardillo posted Sunday. “Don’t let them. RT and sign now at www.FireScottIsrael(dot)com”

The post was accompanied by a screenshot from Twitter, Inc., with the message: “Warning: this link may be unsafe,” referring to

The prompt contends the site could be harmful or a violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service, possibly because it steals passwords or personal information, contains malicious software, or could be spam.

Twitter offered a large blue button to go “Back to previous page” and a tiny link at the bottom to “ignore this warning and continue.”

“Twitter is prohibiting tweets that link to our petition at www.FireScottIsrael (dot) com. They literally are forbidding your to disagree with them,” Ezra Levant, “Rebel commander,” posted in one of several tweets about the ordeal.

“CENSORSHIP SHOCK: Twitter is running extreme interference for disgraced Broward sheriff Scott Israel,” he wrote in another. “Try typing www.FireScottSsrael (dot) com normally – Twitter won’t let you post that. What other conservative ideas are being thrown into an Orwellian ‘memory hole’?”

The Fire Scott Israel petition contends “he must be removed” because his “history of corruption, incompetence, protecting radical Muslims, and politicizing the Sheriff’s Office has now resulted in the deaths of 17 innocents.” MORE HERE

13 Comments on Twitter blocks users from re-tweeting and using ‘Fire Scott Israel’ petition: ‘Link may be unsafe’

  1. High school kids arrested for throwing rocks at cars and police in CA.

    Black Lives Matter ran its course, so now we’re witnessing the next group of useful idiots via the Never Again MSD movement, boycotting co’s that support NRA and school walk outs in support of gun control.

    Political hacks like Israel & his ilk care not what they’re doing to destroy the youth in our country. Where’s the parents?

  2. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! I can’t believe Fascist/Communists are in charge of Twitter! …. No! …. not Twitter!

    actually, I’m shocked anyone that’s to the right of John Kasich would use such a biased censorship site as Twitter

  3. For those of you that don’t know, is a Rebel media petition. They are using the petition to gather signatures to hit you up for money later on.

    Ezra Levant is a Canadian scumbag that is trying to raise money off dead American children. Here is a little taste of how shady Ezra is:

  4. Who are the people actually pushing the buttons and pulling the proverbial switches to have this happen?

    Why don’t we know their names already?

    We keep saying “Twitter did this” No. Particular people are doing this. Who is forcing this unwarranted affect on public discourse?

    Blaming “Twitter” is like blaming guns for mass shootings. Who T F are they and why isn’t their life hell yet?

  5. LocoBlancoSaltine February 27, 2018 at 1:07 pm

    Today on “guess the party affiliation:”

    Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is an elected democrat…
    said no MSM EVER…
    but it’s true.

    Actually, I always argue for elected over appointed. Aren’t those the only two choices? City police chiefs are appointed and I discount everything they say because of that. The people didn’t pick them personally.

    So I see our consolation in the possibility the voting public can be swayed to vote him out of office. Not a path if he’s an appointee.

    Trouble is, like Sheila Jackson Lee’s constituents, he probably represents the county voters perfectly. Not holding my breath when you add in the media deflecting all the blame they can from him.

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