I think Bigfoot is making the rounds across our mountain passes. @wsdot_east showed him on Sherman Pass the other day and now he is on the wildlife overcrossing on I-90 just east of Snoqualmie Pass. #doyoubelievepic.twitter.com/gysrH5wG2r
The guy walking with a Sasquatch suit on better be careful a crazy ass trophy hunter doesn’t jump on the opportunity to bag a big prize.
They bagged one up in Montana a couple of years ago as I recall.
If Sasquatch sees her/his shadow, do we get 4 more years of President Trump?
Yep Manchelle is off the reservation….Fauxahontus has been dispatched to dart her in her giant ass.
Even though the film is grainy and distant it’s easy to tell it’s not Moochelle, she didn’t stop and mark any of the pine trees with musk.
That guy needs a better suit. It’s as baggy and droopy as a Hillary smock.
Being compared to Mike Obama? Imagine how painful that must be to Bigfoot.
That isn’t Moochie, she’s not dragging her toilet paper behind {Barrak}
Can’t the former FLOTUS enjoy a ski weekend without being the center of attention.
Wasn’t sure at first so I enlarged image. Butts to small. Definitely not Michelle.
Its MO in a tweed overcoat.
Can’t be Moochelle. As Different Tim pointed out, butts too small. Plus there is no 5 inch wide black shiny belt over a dress made from 1970 era cloth curtains.
Hold my beer
Just one of Big Mike’s relatives anxious to see his touring official portrait. Most of his wookie family haven’t seen him shaved and wearing clothes.
On his way to the Globaloney Warming Conference …
izlamo delenda est …
Didn’t that beast michelle obama buy a place in Nantucket? What’s she/he/it doing in this part of town?
I dunno, the hairy legs make me think it’s Biden
It’s Eptsein he really didn’t kill himself and he is making a get away.
One of my customers in N. Idaho has a large Sasquatch statue next to their driveway with a Sasquatch crossing sign out on the road in front of their house. And the mascot for the Comm. College where my daughter teaches preschool is a Sasquatch.
It’s Adam Schiff looking for evidence.
Trying to get as far away from Portland as possible. Even Sasquatch is disgusted by the homeless wallowed in their own filth.
The guy walking with a Sasquatch suit on better be careful a crazy ass trophy hunter doesn’t jump on the opportunity to bag a big prize.
They bagged one up in Montana a couple of years ago as I recall.
If Sasquatch sees her/his shadow, do we get 4 more years of President Trump?
Yep Manchelle is off the reservation….Fauxahontus has been dispatched to dart her in her giant ass.
Even though the film is grainy and distant it’s easy to tell it’s not Moochelle, she didn’t stop and mark any of the pine trees with musk.
That guy needs a better suit. It’s as baggy and droopy as a Hillary smock.
Being compared to Mike Obama? Imagine how painful that must be to Bigfoot.
That isn’t Moochie, she’s not dragging her toilet paper behind {Barrak}
Can’t the former FLOTUS enjoy a ski weekend without being the center of attention.
Wasn’t sure at first so I enlarged image. Butts to small. Definitely not Michelle.
Its MO in a tweed overcoat.
Can’t be Moochelle. As Different Tim pointed out, butts too small. Plus there is no 5 inch wide black shiny belt over a dress made from 1970 era cloth curtains.
Hold my beer
Just one of Big Mike’s relatives anxious to see his touring official portrait. Most of his wookie family haven’t seen him shaved and wearing clothes.
On his way to the Globaloney Warming Conference …
izlamo delenda est …
Didn’t that beast michelle obama buy a place in Nantucket? What’s she/he/it doing in this part of town?
I dunno, the hairy legs make me think it’s Biden
It’s Eptsein he really didn’t kill himself and he is making a get away.
One of my customers in N. Idaho has a large Sasquatch statue next to their driveway with a Sasquatch crossing sign out on the road in front of their house. And the mascot for the Comm. College where my daughter teaches preschool is a Sasquatch.
It’s Adam Schiff looking for evidence.
Trying to get as far away from Portland as possible. Even Sasquatch is disgusted by the homeless wallowed in their own filth.
I see Mooch still hasn’t shaved its balls.