U.S.&Eh!? RADIO Show on RIGHT NOW with @Mr_Pinko and @MikeNordstrom3 – IOTW Report

U.S.&Eh!? RADIO Show on RIGHT NOW with @Mr_Pinko and @MikeNordstrom3

U.S.&Eh!? RADIO Show on RIGHT NOW with @Mr_Pinko and @MikeNordstrom3
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8 Comments on U.S.&Eh!? RADIO Show on RIGHT NOW with @Mr_Pinko and @MikeNordstrom3

  1. Of course I am listening, like I said, the drugs are NOT that good! Doctors are afraid to give adequate pain medicine because of all the hype from the “opoid crisis” which actually has little to do with legitimate pain patients and more to do with street junkies who ruin everything for everyone including people who just want a freaking decongestant! Sorry off on a tear.

  2. Thanks, Jethro!

    Pinko I will be home on Christmas so if you & Mike wanna do something for the lonely people and find some free time maybe do a show! Like Mike said, it could be fun talking to everyone who is loaded up on eggnog & Christmas dinner!

  3. Ok, to Follow the show at their new place, sign up for a FREE account here:

    And then after you confirm through your email that you signed up, go HERE:


    And click “follow”!

    I am not sure if they will email in advance if new shows like Blog talk radio does, but as soon as I find out I will let you know!

    And of course, if you are so inclined, when you get those free accounts you can apparently try doing your own shows too!
    Might be fun to have an army or iOTWReport.com friends on the airwaves! I know there are a bunch of you that would be fascinating! But everyone should go give Pinko & Mike some follows anyway to show them our support. It’s free & easy!

    (Pinko, who loves ya, baby?)

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