Uncle Ted’s Message To Trump Detractors – IOTW Report

Uncle Ted’s Message To Trump Detractors

For the record, I’m neither a Trump trumpeter, nor a Trump detractor. He’s not my candidate, but I’m not upset with him being a part of the landscape.

Ted Nugent, responding to Ari Fleischer  (who said Trump is like a roadside accident.)

Donald Trump is a mess? Maybe Mr. Fleischer should open up the political garbage can he and the majority of Fedzillacrats live in and take a look at the real, certifiable, rotting, stinking mess that has been caused by the professional scammers of both political stripes for the past 50 years,” Nugent wrote on WND.

Mr. Fleischer and other critics of Mr. Trump aren’t listening to the blaring trumpets of dissatisfaction that are blown by millions of Americans who realize that it’s the professional political punks in D.C. who have engineered the economic train wreck that is strangling the economy, shrinking the middle class and creating even further embarrassing, America-destroying dependence on Fedzilla by tens and tens of millions of Americans.

Mr. Trump didn’t create this economic swan dive to the street. Our politicians did, the very guys Mr. Fleischer apparently believes are the solution to the problem. If he actually believes this jabberwocky, Fleischer should seek political mental health disability.

Donald Trump is running strong in the early polls because Americans are fed up with the political status quo, especially from left-leaning GOP Fedzillacrats who want to feed us cow dung while telling us it’s a cheeseburger. – Ted Nugent

Via TopRightNews

53 Comments on Uncle Ted’s Message To Trump Detractors

  1. I’m upset that Trump is calling himself a conservative. He is not. If he were calling himself a liberal, I’d be loving him right now. Pick an issue. Trump has been on all 3 sides of it, and angling a way to pic another side just in case.

    Now I’ll go click on “read more” and check back.

  2. Sean, I think you and I are in agreement. I think he would be as bad a candidate as we’ve ever had, and nearly as bad a President if he were elected—I can’t imagine anyone being as bad as the current piece of garbage or slick willie or peanuts.

    But he has done a great job of taking the chattering classes away from the circus and causing at least some public discussion of the illegal cockroach infiltration we’re suffering. I’m grateful for that.

    I expect him to flash in the pan and disappear. I hope to hell he doesn’t pull a perot. He hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected, but he could conceivably give us another clinton.

  3. The smart candidates should tread lightly on any Trump criticism, considering the response.

    Not sure I’m right about this, but believe that Cruz has been the lone GOP candidate defender of Trump. Good move, Cruz.

  4. Trump has been all over the map on nearly every issue and he’s not my choice for president but I think he’s doing a service by forcing a conversation that nobody else running for office is willing to talk about.

    I appreciate that even though he reminds me of Foghorn Leghorn.

  5. He is doing a fine job of trolling the bait conservatives will latch onto….and then he’ll bring out his fleet of busses to throw us under with some off the wall stand that will stain all conservatives with a broad brush….I suggest staying a safe distance away from him.

  6. Trump is talking about what the real people care about.
    Cruz is whining his book is not on the NYT best seller list.
    Who the hell cares except Cruz?
    The so called conservative candidates better wise up and start calling a spade a spade or they’re going to be left out in the cold and we’re going to be stuck with a Hillary v Bush ticket. Which will allow me to stay home on election day unless there’s an important local issue to vote on.

  7. Ted Nugent is dead on. And Trump is right again.
    Trump stated today that the escape of Joaqinn “El Chapo” Guzman, notorious mexican drug lord’s escape from prison was because of Mexican political corruption.

    “El Chapo” escaped on a motor cycle which he rode along a mile long concrete tunnel from under his cell to a house outside the prison. Oh, the tunnel was lighted and had air vents.

    Think about it. A lot of planning went into that operation.
    Construction engineers, electricians, Carpenters, laborers, prison personnel, police, and politicians had to be involved. And judging from “El Chapo” s wealth, he’s worth billions, they were all well paid off. Oh yes, some prison flunkies will probably be charged with sleeping on duty or some other shit, and probably be fired. But no problemo, they’ll be well taken care of as long as they keep their fucking mouths shut.

    Hey Jeb we can not fight that type of corruption with “love.”

    Trump is right.

  8. I’m a conservative and I understand what trump is doing. We need someone to take the lead. Call a spade a spade. Don’t be afraid to be called a racist.

  9. Ok. Trump started with basically nothing, worked up to wealth. Believes in free market economy. Actually born in America, imagine that. A mind that envisions success, then achieves it. So naysayers, what say YOU to him regarding his drive to succeed, while you may be sitting on the bench bitching about him?

  10. I’d like you nay sayers to consider something. Trumps brokered deals that would make your head spin. He needed political help/support. I’ve dealt with purchasing agents that were liberal and agreed with everything they ever said. And those customers represented Trumps pocket change. Check out who was in control when he made some of these claims. Here’s what’s really peaked my interest. His statement that no politician will ever get us out of our death spiral because they are bought and paid for.
    Most business people have a goal in mind that they wish to reach before they retire. I think Trumps retiring. And I think the true Trump is what you are seeing now.
    I might be dead wrong. All I’m saying is don’t close the door on Trump. It’s still a long road and our favorites are dropping like flies. Maybe because they are politicians. At least Trump is not backing up. I’m digging his in your face style and anxiously await when he makes an MSNBC hack cry. He was close last week.

  11. Sorry John. I’m just a triple x cracker with a big mouth. If I had Uncle Teds money I’d build a compound in the wilds of extreme northern Idaho (Sand Point) and you’d never hear from me again.

  12. Are we being influenced by the liberal puke of the left??

    Things may change as time goes on but, right now, I am totally behind anyone that is willing to call the Motherfuc*ers exactly what they are….Maybe I’m behind the facts but the only one I see telling the dumb fucks of the left that they are in fact dumb dumb-fucks is Donald Trump.
    It appears to me that Trump has more balls then anyone in the Republican Party.

  13. You’re right Moe. The entire government of Mexico is on the take. The government is shamefully corrupt, and yet Vicente Fox has the gall last week to jump on the “beat on Trump” wagon. Fox should be ashamed but corruption is deeply embedded in their culture. They have played the race card well, while we play “PC PUSSY”.

    Sadly, so many Mexicans are suffering, and trying to take care of their neighbors since their government doesn’t do shit for them. All the Presidentes move on to a great life.

  14. Crony capitalist…look it up. There is a difference between being successful using free market capitalism and being successful by buying-off and bribing government and corporate officials to make your millions. Trump has been a success (after multiple bankruptcies) by “playing the game,” in an often amoral fashion…and he’s proud of it. Never met an angle to improve himself he didn’t take.

  15. I totally agree that Trump is a breath of fresh “truth air” but I believe Trump is about Trump first, and that “America” is just a word to him, as long as he’s on top, he’s cool with it, but he’d sell all of us out the moment the wind switched direction. He’d sell USA to Putin as long as he was guaranteed a position/advantages in the new USSR. He’s a man without any fundamental foundational principles except “cover and enrich thy own ass.” I’ll happily watch him throw a wrench into the machine at this point, but I harbour no illusion that he’s the conservative voice we’ve been waiting for.

  16. Cruz talked a whole shit load of people into voting for the Super Secret Trade Deal and then bailed on it himself. Cruz is another bought and paid for asshole. Supporting that deal is more than inexcusable.

  17. I like the hell out of the fact that Trump is not backing down. It is like he feels free to let it out. I hope that is the case. If it is, I’ll be on board. I am so sick of establishment politicians I can’t stand it.

  18. Brad my friend, I know you and I value honour above all else…I do not consider Trump to be a man of honour…the scumbag Charlie Sheen is known for his sarcastic “winning”…I’d prefer not to be a winner if Trump and Sheen are the ones defining what it is to be a winner. I’ll stick with the definition as proscribed in the Navy Seal Creed and Paul’s writings. These are weird times…I hate it when I get into arguments with my friends (online and off) over stuff I know we’d agree on over a beer when we can see each others faces and body language.

  19. It’s gratifying to read that most of you are wary of Trump but are with him on this issue, which no other politician will address other than to utter the mantra of “Our system is broken” and “They do jobs that….” Somebody tell us the deep reason both parties favor keeping violent illegals here in America while they are killing our own people. It is almost as if by allowing violent men to populate our cities they are building toward violent upheaval and overthrow. My gut tells me this.

  20. Every now and then you have to go out on a limb. I’d rather go out on a limb and fight than sit around and wait for a rino to stake out a position that shows some backbone. Because that would be a long fucking wait!

  21. What’s great about Trump is his straight talk. I know everyone here is sooooooo sick of being lectured to by politicians of all stripes in a patronizing LYING manner like we’re 3 year olds. Most politicians talk to us like they’re freaking kindergarten teachers and we’re toddlers or mental patients who can’t “see” the doublespeak and fabrications in plain sight.

    I think it’s refreshing to have someone who treats the public like we’re intelligent people — and, Trump’s quite funny too, which is a mark of intelligence.

    He isn’t smarmy, shady, insulting and chloroform-personified – like Owebama.

  22. Trump has some big investments in Dubai, and there’s a chance that he may be just a little too muslim-friendly. Maybe he doesn’t want to risk getting on the bad side of the muslims who are helping him increase his wealth. We all heard what he said about Pamela Geller and the Draw muhammad contest.

    If I could sum him up in one word, it would be Greed. I don’t trust him. But I still think what he is doing is good for all conservatives, stirring up trouble and forcing candidates show their cards, so to speak.

    I will always see him as an asshole who puts money first. Kind of like Hillary, in that respect. Power and Greed.

  23. I think you have a valid point about the muzzies. I’m not the least bit satisfied with the way he responded to the draw mohammed contest. If he is pro-America he has to be anti-islam.

  24. Yes, must be strong anti-islam. Anything less leaves us wide open to the caliphate the dems are rolling out the red carpet for.
    Can’t see him taking a loss on his islamic investments. And now I wonder if he is sharia compliant with that money?

  25. The Warrior Monk? He has a kick ass record. I think I could sleep better if he were Commander in Chief, but haven’t heard about him running in the race.
    Hope 0bama didn’t have anything to do with him replacing Patraeus.

  26. “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually, it’s a lot of fun to fight. You know, it’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right upfront with you, I like brawling.”

    Ok. I’m convinced. 😉

  27. Moe, Trump Sr. was still alive when Donald started his career. By the time the father passed away, the son’s net worth was so huge that the paternal estate was just a drop in the bucket.

  28. I don’t think they are smart enough to create a plan for upheaval, its more a thing of them thinking that these illegals/criminals will be a huge new voting group that they will be able to tame and control for their votes, reminiscent of “my precious” , its that kind of hypnotic hold this group has on them. They don’t see that this group has as much interest in being Americans as they do in being astronauts(unless astronauts gets free handouts).

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