‘Uncle Tom II’ uses neglected cell phone video to expose violent side of BLM media ignored – IOTW Report

‘Uncle Tom II’ uses neglected cell phone video to expose violent side of BLM media ignored

Just The News:

Director Justin Malone wasn’t sure his indie 2020 hit “Uncle Tom” merited a sequel.

Less than two years later, Malone’s team had four-plus hours’ worth of material for a second installment.

“Uncle Tom,” produced by Salem talk show host Larry Elder, let black pundits like Candace Owens, the late Herman Cain, and Lt. Col. Allen West describe how they’re marginalized for not aligning with the progressive playbook.

Malone’s sequel, available now, digs deeper into the black American experience. While the first film featured profiles of black conservatives, “Uncle Tom II” excoriates the Black Lives Matter movement. The film connects the social justice group to a Marxist ideology that the filmmakers contend does far more harm than good for black Americans.

“Uncle Tom: Part II” trailer

The first film’s robust reception gave Malone the encouragement to consider a sequel, the filmmaker told Just the News.

“There was so much material left on the [cutting room] floor from part one,” said Malone, further encouraged by the reaction to deleted scenes his team shared following the movie’s release. “I don’t think we’re done yet.” more here

1 Comment on ‘Uncle Tom II’ uses neglected cell phone video to expose violent side of BLM media ignored

  1. The creeds of marxism, fascism, progressivism, communism, racism, nazism etc all built and held by democrats and the liberal left are never long-lived nor successful due to these glaring factors: GREED AND SELFISHNESS BY DESPOTS AND TYRANTS (think Joe Biden et al). As for ‘Uncle Tom’, the installed ‘UNCLE’ is NYC’s mayor Uncle Eric Adams who has recently conspired with the non-elected and false NY governor Huckster Hochul by poisoning the drinking tap water of low income/poverty tenants living in NYCHA (New York City Housing Authority) slum buildings with arsenic. Take note of the fact that Uncle Eric is FJB’s new bff on the Biden Plantation for the purposes of annihilating NYC’s black and ethnic populations.


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