Unhinged Woman Loses It After Witnessing an SFFD Ambulance Parked in the Bike Lane – IOTW Report

Unhinged Woman Loses It After Witnessing an SFFD Ambulance Parked in the Bike Lane

“Pull in the motorcycle parking. You’re killing us! Get out of the bike lane!” Watch.

19 Comments on Unhinged Woman Loses It After Witnessing an SFFD Ambulance Parked in the Bike Lane


    I went riding today in the woods with Snow, Ice, mud & Horse Shit on the trails just North of Toronto and bothered NO ONE. (suddenly warm for a few days).

    Mountain Bikers are Friendly, fun, & encourage each other. We compliment each others bikes and regularly swap to let others try them. Often have a beer when we are done.

    Roadies are irritating, calorie counting, elitist equipment snobs whose sole purpose is to piss of traffic while dressing like Shazam & Captain Asshole.

    The Idiots love Sucking car exhaust fumes into their lungs and developing PENILE NUMBNESS from shoving their tiny little seats up their asses for the guy behind them to stare at.

  2. Mental illness is sad.
    And it’s become universal.

    This woman, who obviously needs psychiatric help, is out riding a bicycle in the rain.
    I’m guessing that, worldwide, there are millions like her – severely mentally ill and not getting the help they need.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I was hoping the guy started up and moved forward 3 ft then shut it down again. Of course he should have been recording it too. She is the neighbor that nobody wants. I’m pretty sure there’s not one person in this lady’s life that wants to be around her including family.

  4. She gets an “F” for presentation and delivery but her message is spot on. One of many of my pet peeves; cops (and firemen) who think they are above the law and abuse their authority. They drive like shit, they park in handicapped spots, they park blocking traffic, they yap on their cell phone while driving, and most have tinted windows and no front plate on their private vehicles. And they do all this with impunity because they know they won’t get ticketed. They all deserve a beating.

  5. I won’t say I never parked an ambulance like a dick. They are quite unwieldy vehicles and you’d sooner dock a battleship in a bathtub than parallel park a high cube box ambulance built on a 1980s Ford Econonline 350 diesel chassis with NONE of the modern sensors and cameras everyone takes for granted now, so sometimes yes, I did take advantage of that fire lane when we were going back from the hospital if there was something to do on the way, seeing as how I’d know about any fire emergencies anyway and be perfectly positioned to DO something about them.

    This very rarely got public comment because we didn’t sit too long anywhere. I personally didn’t consider the rather Spartan cabs crammed with radios, clipboards, paper map three ring binders (No GPS then, kids, either) to be very comfortable or convenient break rooms, and spilling a pop on a County radio would not endear you to the Cheif.

    You are right that the cops weren’t particularly diligent about enforcing our lack of right to do so when not under Code 3 conditions, but it generally wouldn’t rise to that level. If someone pulled a face, we moved, no problem, but even the most truculent of drivers would respond if the cops called on the low band radio and said to shove off so they didn’t have to fool with all the intermural folderol of ticketing a municipal vehicle from another municipal vehicle as BOTH sides of the City building would start throwing spitwads at each other over it, and it would end up in the local press (back when there WAS such a thing) as well.

    It just wasn’t worth it. Everyone just pulled off like a good boy.

    Like THESE guys did.

    Cops ARE a bit more privileged about it, but they generally didn’t want the guff either of some Karen standing up at a City Council meeting and berating them for five minutes for setting a bad example. Speaking for myself, I was VERY aware that I was repping for the City in a City vehicle wearing a City uniform and generally I tried to keep the customer complaints to a minimum, as did we all.

  6. maybe turn on the hazards and start doing a complete vehicle inspection. she may have resisted the urge to post. a complete vehicle inspection is required before operating the vehicle. i have seen some guys do it in five minutes and others take hours.

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