University Of Iowa Professor Deeply Worried Because Mascot And Logo Look TOO SCARY – IOTW Report

University Of Iowa Professor Deeply Worried Because Mascot And Logo Look TOO SCARY

screaming woman

DailyCaller: The mascot and the logo for the University of Iowa’s sports teams are terrifying and promote aggression and violence, according to a deeply concerned medical school professor at the taxpayer-funded school.

The pediatrics professor, Resmiye Oral, is urging the Big 10 school’s athletic department to modify the logo and the various facial expressions of the mascot, Herky the Hawk, according to the Iowa City Press-Citizen.

“I believe incoming students should be met with welcoming, nurturing, calm, accepting and happy messages,” Oral wrote in an email to the athletic department this week. “And our campus community is doing a great job in that regard when it comes to words. However, Herky’s angry, to say the least, faces conveying an invitation to aggressivity and even violence are not compatible with the verbal messages that we try to convey to and instill in our students and campus community.”

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20 Comments on University Of Iowa Professor Deeply Worried Because Mascot And Logo Look TOO SCARY

  1. Why don’t they just get a weenie or a flaccid penis (limp dick) for a mascot? Anything else would just be too aggressive and scary and the precious snowflakes can’t have that. What a bunch of pussified wusses. And if I were that so called professor I’d change her last name of Oral because there are too many sexual connotations there.

  2. That is a very scary looking professor? Maybe the school should require that she wear a sack over her head to ward off debilitating trauma episodes that will be unleashed unnecessarily on the innocent little student cupcakes!

  3. I believe there are a lot more pressing issues in Turkey, like terrorist attacks and bombings that I find scary. Perhaps she should go back to her native country and fix things there first.
    But if would be funny if they replaced Herky with Big Bird for one game and mocked the stupid professor during the entire game.
    And Rah Rah was right about her picture, she down right fugly.

  4. Unbelievable. Does this prof think the students are 3 years old? What an idiot. And a butt ugly idiot at that. If they REALLY wanna scare the students, then make her face the mascot.

  5. @Irish – agree totally. I suspect, however, this is much like Obamacare, just a way station en route to a single payer system. Yeah, get a friendly looking chicken mascot and they’ll suddenly realize it’s the game that promotes aggression and go back to work on that. Concussions, other sports injuries and most importantly, the terrible toll that this aggression takes on our precious snowflake culture.

  6. I’ll go a little against the grain here and say the unlike most dem/progs put there that don’t mean a damn thing about the incendiary statements she makes I suspect that she actually thinks this and that it would be better for incoming students not to be faced with such a scary, et…mask. I’ll give her a prop for writing and expressing her opinion but with luck the University will thank her for her input then ignore her. If they don’t and they actually do something about pussifying their mascot then I’ll be convinced that all Iowa men are actually clones of Radar from Mash (the pussy, cringy one from TV not the slick, cool operator from the Movie).

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