Update on College That Was Taken Over By Black Students and Self-Loathing Whites – IOTW Report

Update on College That Was Taken Over By Black Students and Self-Loathing Whites

Remember the libtarded professor who was attacked by students for not staying home on “we don’t need whitey day”?

He said it was more of a circus than he could articulate. He wasn’t kidding.

A video was compiled and “highlights” were strung together.

In its totality, even the morons in the video understand how moronic they look and they are now demanding the video be taken down from… wherever it’s put up.

This is just another asinine demand from low IQ morons hopped up on audacity and twenty years of head patting.

The college student trying to read from a prepared statement is simply tragic. I don’t even want to make fun of this person. She is a product of the liberal system and doesn’t realize what kind of fruitless ride she’s been taken on.


50 Comments on Update on College That Was Taken Over By Black Students and Self-Loathing Whites

  1. If “slavery still has repercussions in society today” then WHY THE FUCK (Sorry Ma!) are given a platform to speak freely without getting whipped on the back by a DEMOCRAT you stupid bint!

  2. 98% admission rate according US News and World Report. What happens when you take in just about anyone. Evergreen College on a resume should be a red herring to any employer.

  3. So in the future we older folk will be sought after, catered to, and relied upon because we can show up on time and withstand the slings and arrows of working life without curling up in a ball and calling a lawyer.

  4. A friend of mine who went to Evergreen 20 years ago said he was given a plot to grow his weed in the dorm. This was long before pot was legal in WA.

  5. The mass mental and emotional conditioning that these crazy, fk-ed up ‘kids’ [I say kids lightly considering I’m only 2 or 3 years older then most of them.] go through… it makes it hard for me to be angry, I’m more or less completely and utterly disgusted with them. I suppose I hold their professors, teachers, anyone who has ever been a caregiver for them from birth, I hold THOSE people with much more contempt.

  6. On an unrelated note, I hope that IOTWR is getting a ton of revenue from the anti-Trump NRDC ads showing up here. I count four on this page alone:

    “Don’t let Trump’s EPA take us back”
    “If Trump Attacks Environmental Law We Will See Him in Court”
    “NRDC is fighting to defend the Endangered Species Act HELP US PROTECT IT”

    I think it’s kinda funny, actually. And harmless, too.

    Meanwhile, the money rolls in.


  7. Hey Hey, HO HO, we better stay on campus cause we know. Nobodies putting up with our dumb ass shit in the real world. I always thought a Colleges job was to prepare students for life. Most of these idiots will killed, beaten beyond recognition, or jailed. I hope the sue the College.

  8. absolutely hilarious to the n’th degree … fantastic
    the spawn of progtards returning to eat their creators … absolutely delicious!

    to paraphrase Shakespeare … “… oh, blessed, blessed night!”

  9. And to think this is my local, hometown school. Of course it is costly, so it only gets east coast trust fund libs, local libs with money and affirmative action students. And they are all precious snowflakes.

  10. Evergreen was a pioneer in political correctness long before the term Social Justice Warrior was thought of. I heard about it back in the ’80’s and I don’t know how long it had been travelling that path before then.

  11. Actually Evergreen State is in Thurston County, I’m in Mason County. They border each other, and since there isn’t much in the way of colleges in this county Evergeen Is the local school. 20 miles away.

  12. Too stupid to even hold the cellphone the correct way to record. And the crunt reading the statement? I have literally heard kids with Downs syndrome read better. How the hell did she get through grade school, forget about high school?

  13. Expel their commie asses if they are actually members of the student body…if they are not arrest them and charge them with domestic terrorism and send their lame asses to GITMO!

  14. They’ll graduate soon, with zero marketable skills and massive Student Loan debt from this obscure “State College”.

    The college keeps their tuition money.
    And Trump will still be Predident.

  15. This was “experimental education” back in the day which we have Washington ex-governor and globalist Dan Evans (R) to thank. My brother was a charter attendee of Fairhaven College, the pilot school for Evergreen and I lived at Fairhaven for two quarters observing the students being observed by leading sociologists of the day. (Fairhaven was known as “Skinner’s rat box”.) Friends of mine that went to Evergreen have been permanently damaged by marxist ideology, drugs, and poor moral choices.

  16. Blacks are entertaining.
    All that bone jive bouncing and tribal chanting.
    The only thing missing is a bone in the nose.
    This “college” should be disbanded because these kids can’t even read English little alone speak it.

  17. AC,
    Jim Crow was most definitely not an “abomination”. I lived under it and everyone, including blacks, were perfectly happy. Blacks had their world, which we were not allowed in, whites had theirs. Now, how is todays world any better? Blacks have their world, blacks have affirmative action, thus have our world, and whites are out.

  18. Sorry, but you brought this crap on yourselves. What should have been done long ago was an immediate expulsion for all who behaved in such a disgustingly anti-social manner. And it’s just going to get worse unless someone lays down the law and tells these petulant cretins that, basically, this shit won’t fly anymore.

  19. Jim Crow was codified segregation, not voluntary, nor was it “Separate but Equal”. It was highly unlikely that blacks living under Jim Crow were going to publicly express dissatisfaction with the arrangement.

    If there is some nostalgia in the black community for the “good old days,” it is a sad commentary on the past 50 years of progressive meddling. Many black families were better off under Jim Crow than they were under Johnson’s Great Society and the myriad progressive programs that have followed it. Republicans sought equal opportunity for blacks. Democrats promised equal outcomes, giving them dependency, mediocrity, isolation, fatherless families, illiteracy, unemployment, addiction, crime and murder.

    Racism is ever-present. It is part of being human. Black society and culture is not monolithic, but it does exist, just as there is a dominant white culture which is also not monolithic.

    There are many common points that both bind us together as a people and differentiate us: nation, state, city, language, religion, ideology, schools, sports, etc. Race is one of those points.

    Until the election of our post-racial president, race had been slowly becoming less of a consideration in the national context. We can’t have that now, can we? Everything is right again. He fixed it.

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