US Forest Service Acting Like Black Hats in South Dakota – IOTW Report

US Forest Service Acting Like Black Hats in South Dakota


Ranchers are furious after an armed federal agent stormed the land of a South Dakota couple, who are now facing 10 years in prison over a fence if convicted as charged.

Charles and Heather Maude, both 39, of Caputa, were separately served grand jury indictments of alleged theft of government property on June 24 by Forest Service Special Agent Travis Lunders, who showed up at their door unannounced, armed, and full tactical gear, according to Cowboy State Daily

‘It’s is stressful, financially and mentally,’ Charles told the outlet. ‘It’s something nobody should have to go through.’ More

20 Comments on US Forest Service Acting Like Black Hats in South Dakota

  1. Why does the Forest Service need it own Tac Team? I guess the same reason the Post Office and the U.S. Parks Department do. Makes you wonder how good they are?
    Our Sheriff went to court and got the “Law Enforcement” division of the U.S. Forest Service booted out of our county. That was like ten years ago. Nazi bastards kept confiscating legal guns from shooters that were shooting in the National Forest. He warned them. They got mouthy. Gone.

  2. Forest Service? Give them all cranial venting and stack the bodies for burning. Actively hunt them and their families where they reside, down to the last infant. Send a message.

  3. Some worthless cunt of a fed decided to deal with this in the worst way possible in order to build up their career off the backs of people who either made a mistake or have been screwed by some fed surveyor who made a mistake, which, of course, will never be admitted nor owned up too. They’re gonna ruin these people’s lives, and then ten years down the road it will come out in higher court that the feds were 100% in the wrong, but, of course, all the damage will be done by then.

    The Process Is The Punishment.

  4. Follow the money. When the family is inevitably bankrupted and has to sell the ranch, look to see who swoops in and buys it. Big agribusiness? The Chinese? The Forest Service? That will explain who is behind this.

  5. Regardless of where the survey shows the property line should be, the fence that has been there for over 100 years is the de facto property line by benefit of Adverse Possession. Furthermore, this should be a civil matter not a criminal matter. Feds are out of control.

  6. I was reading some comments from retired Forrest rangers and they said they use to solve issues like this over a cup of coffee. He said he was surprised they didn’t have an armored vehicle and 20 man fire team given how the USFS has changed.

  7. Agenda 21 Whack-a-Mole.

    The Left are at war against agriculture, worldwide. Agenda 21 states that rural lands are to be depopulated, concentrating people into centralized urban communities, where they can be managed more efficiently and be more productive for the State.

    Charging this couple separately is a terror measure. Showing up with a SWAT team to arrest them is a terror measure. We are supposed to fear the State.

    The Labour Party in Great Britain is charging people with thought crimes and throwing them in jail. Misogyny, as defined by the radical Left, is now classified as terrorism in GB. Taking a page from the Dems J6 playbook, being in the vicinity of a protest against the State is now a crime and is being applied retroactively. Showing the way forward for the Dems, it is now a crime to discuss or comment on protests against the State, also applied retroactively. Of course, commenting on or discussing State policies and actions, or a protected class, in a negative light, is now a crime, as it can be seen as fomenting riot…which is terrorism and will be punished accordingly.

    Stolen election or not, our Deep State plans similar, and worse, treatment for us.


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