US Satellites see all: China appears to be trading with NoKo, despite sanctions – IOTW Report

US Satellites see all: China appears to be trading with NoKo, despite sanctions

American Thinker; China has halted the sales of oil products to North Korea, but…

According to Chinese customs data, Beijing has stopped selling oil products to its largest trading partner, North Korea.  China had previously refused to buy coal or iron ore from the Kim regime.

But U.S. satellites showed Chinese ships trading for oil with North Korean vessels just recently, raising questions about the Chinese commitment to denying North Korea energy supplies in accordance with U.N. sanctions.

Fox News:

China did not export gasoline, jet fuel, diesel or fuel oil, nor did Beijing import any coal or iron ore, Reuters reported Tuesday, citing Chinese customs data. It was the second straight month China did not export any diesel or gasoline to Pyongyang, according to the report.

“As a principle, China has consistently fully, correctly, conscientiously and strictly enforced relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions on North Korea. We have already established a set of effective operating mechanisms and methods,” China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.

The U.N. sanctions, implemented earlier this year, aimed to dramatically limit oil products to North Korea as retaliation for their nuclear and missile testing.

According to South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo, U.S. spy satellites have caught Chinese ships selling oil to North Korea thirty times in the last three months.  more here

7 Comments on US Satellites see all: China appears to be trading with NoKo, despite sanctions

  1. China’s words and voting for sanctions mean nothing, actions tells us everything. Is there no integrity or honor among Nations? It is established there is none.
    What actions will the US take?

  2. I’m shocked!
    Shocked, I tells ya!
    Gambling at Rick’s?
    Lying by the Chinese?
    Corruption by the Demonrats?
    When will it all end?
    Next you’ll be telling me that McConnell’s a Menshevik!
    That izlam isn’t the “religion of peace?”
    That Obola’s a nihilistic totalitarian socialist?

    My … my … my …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Beijing has stopped selling oil products to its largest trading partner, North Korea.”

    I would venture to say we are the biggest trading partner with China.

    You can’t trust a commie, ever.

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