US States Want Canadian Style State-Sanctioned Deaths – IOTW Report

US States Want Canadian Style State-Sanctioned Deaths

UK Daily Mail

Anita Cameron, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, worries that America is racing toward Canada’s euthanasia free-for-all where people with as little as hearing loss can opt for a state-sanctioned death.

Her home state, New York, and six others are weighing whether to pass their own doctor-assisted suicide laws in the coming months.

Meanwhile, some of the 10 states that already allow medical aid-in-dying (MAiD) are loosening their rules, by cutting wait times, letting nurses join doctors in prescribing lethal drugs, and by letting out-of-staters visit to end their lives.

‘It’s frightening,’ said Cameron, who campaigns with the group Not Dead Yet.

‘We’re going to see more cases of people using assisted dying because they’re poor or disabled, and more pressure and coercion, as it’s all normalized into law. Continues

16 Comments on US States Want Canadian Style State-Sanctioned Deaths

  1. …all part of cheapening the life God gives so we can get good and desensitized to doctors committing medical murder.

    Next up, suicide is the recommended treatment for the menally ill.

    And then, people who do not love the State are deemed mentally ill.

    See how easy it is? See where this is headed?

    Once your death becomes a matter of medical recommendations, see how quick the bureaucrats who administer Obamacare move to make such recommendations lucrative…

  2. …I grew up with nothing but messages of the sanctity of life. The Church taught that each life was a gift of God and the divine spark that animated each human was from the sanctified Hand of the Lord and worthy of respect as such. Human life was venerated around the world, and my earlest memories even at school was collection cans for Catholic Charities and UNICEF for half-dressed colorful folks from exotic-sounding places like Ethiopia and El Salvador and Haiti. (Sure am glad they were doing that 50 odd years ago, and no one ever starved there ever again). We were emerging from Viet Nam so they were teaching (utterly without nuance) that war was bad because it kills people, and many people were horrified at the new Roe decision, but politicians scrambled to assure everyone that abortions would be very rare and only for medical reasons.

    Flash up a decade or so, and I’m just cutting my teeth in the medic biz. There, I’m told in classroom and hospital ward the fight for life, to always error on the side of life, to always assume a person wanted to be saved unless they explicitly and consciously refused, and that it was not my place or ANYONE’S place in medicine to judge the worth of a life, that we were to treat sinner and saint, criminal and cop, bum and billionare with no distinction in care and to set any personal opinion aside and always do the utmost in the service of life, ALL life, regardless of who or what they were. Hospices were unknown and DNR orders were just beginning to appear and were so uncertain they were largely ignored as unverifiable and possible frauds unless some prior contact had been made, again erring on the side of life. I picked up prisoners from their cells and pensioners from their nursing homes and all were treated through the hospital process with dignity and skill with no regard for how they used their life or how near their sell by date they were, although with extra cops hanging about the ER bay in the case of the former.

    It wasn’t perfect but there was an ethos, and that ethos was that life was sacrosanct, and all the apparatus of medicine was there to preserve it without reservation.

    Then, medicine fell thrall to the Federal Government, first with Medicare and Medicade, then with the abomination of Obamacare. The new Golden Rule went into effect, the one that said “he that pays the gold makes the rules”. The quality of medicine declined as older, wiser doctors chose the advent of government coding and the requirements of woke medicine as a call to retirement, and retire en masse they did, taking that ethos with them as the torch fell to a younger generation raised in liberal colleges, many there by the grace of Affirmative Action and many social passes degrading the quality of those that were left. Gaps appeared and foreigners of questionable credentials were recruited, and even that was not enough so new, lesser learned positions such as Nurse Practioner and Physicians Assistant were created to do some of that which there were now too few doctors to do. Medicine was corporatized, the individual practice losing in a business sense to the megapractice where office space, office staff, and equipment could be pooled, with the tradeoff being that doctors who were too new to confidently fight became beholden to the rules of corporate medicine, which of course accomodated their biggest customer, the Government.

    This set the stage for the Coof Goof, first with corporate practices and hospitals parroting the party line if they wanted to stay open with mask silliness and worse, then being TOLD what medicines they could use or have their credentials removed, then BRIBED to keep the body count high, then becoming willing participants in medical mass murder with poisons like the Jab and Remdesiver, or simply blowing out lungs with ventilation that a few bucks of “horse dewormer” could have rendered totally unnecessary.

    Palliative care instead of quality of life posters appeared in the doctors offices. People begin to be pushed into hospice. Hospice became big business, often crossing the line from the beneficial pain relief to outright assisted suicide in dosing a DNR with more and more morphine until they quit breathing if denying them food and water proved too slow.

    And now, they just flat want to Kevorkian you.

    Procedures and drugs considered too cruel and unusual to execute mass murderers are now hawked as solid answers to permanently end your pain and make you quit being such a burden. Cures abd treatments are withheld for months but suicide is available by appointment tomorrow. Some places even have suicide booths straight out of Futurama to make death as convenient as buying a soda. Counseling is minimal and people with chronic conditions are considered prime candidates for execution by their own hand.

    I am disgusted and ashamed that we ever let it get to this pass, that medicine is redefined with Orwellian definitions where saving means slaying and healing means harming. Trust is destroyed as doctors and nurses become mendicants of the New World Order, gyrating in empty hospital halls in a mockery of medicine as a man-made virus that was created and funded by the very person who heads the government medical response panics people into accepting poison in their veins outside as many have their cancer care interrupted and most care denied for no reason other that govermental hubris and medical bribery and State punishment.

    I’m not only not sure trust can be recovered, I’m not even sure medicine WANTS to.

    They now need please none but Government.

    And what pleases the current illegitimate government the most is death.

    …and those government grant funded woke men of soience seem only too happy to hand it out, because killing is always easier than healing, and now it is much more lucrative too.

    So here we are, between abortion for babies, poison jabs for 5 and up, “died suddenly” for the youth and untreated strokes for the old, we are now enmeshed cradle to grave in a medical monopoly that has little interest if saving but much in slaying.

    And it only gets worse from here. with forced gene therapies and dosing food, drink, even insects with poisons meant for us, it is likely the Bill Gateses and Tiny Faucis of this world will get the genocide they so crave by some hook or crook (emphasis on “crook”), and use health as an excuse to imprison what does not respond to poison.

    I don’t think it even matters to them that they are ultimately slitting their own throats. They are do reprobate they no longer even think of the future, they think only of ridding the present of us.

    I would say weep for the children, but TPTB have sterilized a generation with wokeness and the Jab as well.

    They have denied us even children to weep for.

    …And still we wait for a non-existant White Night, a Sparticus or a Grant to lead us against an enemy who has already destroyed us, with none willing to go first.

    And so we seem destined, until the die backs are over and our betters are satisfied.

    One day the surviving people will rise up and throw off the current tyranny as well.

    Too bad none of us will live to see it.

  3. Only God can determine when it’s my time to die. I don’t want the govt. involved in any way possible to determine how and when I’m going to die. My trust is in God and not in an arbitrary and capricious determination by the govt. as to when it’s my turn to die.

  4. I’m really starting to think the people who made those old sci- fi movies were prophets.

    This is like Soylent Green and Logan’s run.
    Kill the aged and unwell then turn them into food because of shortages.
    We already know the left is The Borg.


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