Vacation Glutton Michelle’s June Jaunt – IOTW Report

Vacation Glutton Michelle’s June Jaunt

AmericanThinker: Over the last 8 years, Michelle Obama has evolved into an exemplary world traveler.  Compliments of the struggling U.S. taxpayer, the FLOTUS consistently indulges in at least five or six multi-million dollar vacations per year.

In March, if things get boring, Michelle, mother Marian, and daughters Sasha and Malia, either fly solo or use Dad (if he’s not golfing) as an excuse to pamper their weary bones with an all expense paid “working vacation.”  Like clockwork, the girl gang jets off to destinations such as Cuba, China, Japan, Qatar, Argentina or Cambodia.

Predictably, there’s always a June pre-Martha’s Vineyard vacation where Michelle tours Paris, Spain, South Africa, London, and Italy.

In August, the Obamas take a Martha’s Vineyard breather for a few weeks. On the Vineyard, the Obama family and their large tag-along entourage, at a paltry cost of give-or-take $5-million or so, enjoy a well-deserved getaway.

That summer retreat is a crucial piece of the annual Obama vacation puzzle because two weeks of ice cream cones and body surfing help the first family prepare to spend $8-million vacationing in Hawaii at Christmas for 17 days.

And Michelle, for one, notoriously milks every vacation bone dry.   MORE

14 Comments on Vacation Glutton Michelle’s June Jaunt

  1. The conehead hair! The hideous dress!! The ugly facial expression always seems to say, “This isn’t enough reparations!!! Gimme more, you taxpaying serfs!”. If nothing else, at least the Trump family wouldn’t be a grievous assault on the eyes.

  2. This galls me on more than one level. I am on vacation this week, and then will be again from July 22 through the end of the month.

    I’m not going anywhere. Heck, I can barely scrape up the carfare to get into Manhattan. The other part of the problem is that I am working so hard that I’m grinding myself into a powder. It’s quite likely that even if I did have the financial means to travel, I just wouldn’t be able to summon the energy to plan a trip, pack, and travel. And forget about doing anything once I arrived at my destination. All I’d be good for is sleeping late and hanging out. Why waste money on transportation and hotels? I can do that for free at home.

  3. What the hell all is going on under that dress ?!

    She’s either smuggling in enough ‘duty free’ liquor for all of obola’s kin that should’ve been deported decades ago, or she’s got a ton of mechanical equipment to subdue that penis of his.

    What a waste of expensive food. She could’ve done swell with a bowl of black-eyed peas and a big wooden spoon

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