Veggie Tales is Racist – IOTW Report

Veggie Tales is Racist

The College Fix-

The Christian cartoon “VeggieTales” is racist because the villains are vegetables of color.

A female student who worked on the project said in an interview that the accents of the evil characters tend to sound ethnic, such as Latino, while the good characters sound white.

“When kids see the good white character triumph over the bad person of color character they are taught that white is right and minorities are the source of evil,” the project stated.

The NFL is racist since most players are black and most coaches and owners are white. White women advance white supremacy when they support President Donald Trump.

These are some of the arguments made by students at a “Whiteness Forum” held at Cal State San Marcos on Thursday that aimed to take a “critical look at whiteness,” according to organizers.


ht/ hot salsa

24 Comments on Veggie Tales is Racist

  1. BULLSHIT! Enough of this crapola. Damn socialist bastards. I suppose anything written on white paper is racist. Music, books, homework; oh but maybe the saving grace there is the dark pen or pencil or type ON the white paper. Damn evil bastards seeing everything through their shit stained glasses and processing through their shit for brains.

  2. Lets unpack this colored vegetable thing.

    I like white vegetables. Onions. Potatoes, turnips.

    Not fond of green vegetables. Peas, green beans, broccoli….asparagus gets a pass. I like asparagus.

    Yellow vegetables? That’s corn and squash, but yellow squash is mostly white.

    Even eggplant is mostly white and there are no black vegetables, except those that have drifted to the nether regions of the refrigerator.

    What is my point? Beats me. What was the point of the anti veggie tale people? Beats me. Why are we talking about this? Beats me.

  3. Veggie tales is really veggieist. I’ve just created a new ism, discrimination against vegetables. I must admit that I’m a veggieist because I hate green peas, brussel sprouts, lima beans etc. but I do like broccoli but not cauliflower especially cooked. And I don’t like mushrooms either but they’re not really veggies, they’re fungi. Which leads to the mushroom joke, Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he was a fungi.

  4. I do not eat eggplant (dark is bad)…… or perhaps I have never tasted one. Most other vegetables are yummy and I enjoy them cooked and raw.
    Inasmuch as the evil vegetables having “foreign” voices………. why would that not be acceptable? people what comes here needs to assimilate or stay where the fook they is…….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. Isn’t saying a character “sounds white” or “sounds ethnic” racist? If I said I spoke on the phone with someone who “sounded black”, wouldn’t I be accused of racism?

  6. My son, nieces and nephews loved “VeggieTales” when they were kids. The theme of these videos is building character based on Christian values, which is what the left is really pissed about. Typical leftist tactic to attempt to destroy something innocent for they’re benefit.

  7. Truffles, which are probably THE most expensive veggie to be had (OK, they’re really two related types of fungus), are racist as all get-out. The more common BLACK truffles sell for about $100 per ounce (really), but the rarer WHITE truffles sell for close to twice as much. RACISM!!1!11

  8. Lies.
    Mr Lunt is a favorite of many (myself included) and he’s not a bad guy anymore, hasn’t been for a long time (2000 I think was the last time he was portrayed in any sort of villainous light.)
    My god the pirates who don’t do anything movies make him a hero!

    I mean is there a new ethnic character I don’t know about???


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