Vet Finally Gets VA Doctor’s Appointment – 2 Years After He Died – IOTW Report

Vet Finally Gets VA Doctor’s Appointment – 2 Years After He Died

CBS Boston

ACTON (CBS) – “He was steadfast. He took care of us, all of these years.”

Suzanne Chase of Acton was talking about her husband, Doug, a Vietnam veteran who was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2011.

In 2012, she tried to move his medical care to the Veterans Affairs hospital in Bedford.

“It was so difficult for him to take the ambulance ride into Boston, we wanted to be closer.”

They waited about four months and never heard anything. Then Douglas Chase died in August 2012

But two weeks ago, he got a letter, from the VA in Bedford, saying he could now call to make an appointment to see a primary care doctor.

“It was addressed to my husband and I opened it,” said Suzanne Chase. “I was in complete disbelief.”



7 Comments on Vet Finally Gets VA Doctor’s Appointment – 2 Years After He Died

  1. without doubt..the Jeffersons on Crack (Barky and his muzzy hubby) will give the VA administrator responsible for this murder the Charles de Gaulle Hero of the French Empire first class…. and MOOCHIE the WOOKIE will say “let them eat cake (just not MY CAKE)” as she/he storms out the door…

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