Video: Patrick Byrne Backs Up Mike Lindell’s Packet Captures – IOTW Report

Video: Patrick Byrne Backs Up Mike Lindell’s Packet Captures

Video via Kaneoka The Great.
Patrick Byrne (founder of put in tons of his own money to help with the Arizona audit.

11 Comments on Video: Patrick Byrne Backs Up Mike Lindell’s Packet Captures

  1. GREAT!! Let’s see it. Somehow we have to get from, “boy, they are in trouble now”, to actually righting the wrongs, and punishing the guilty. I’m most looking forward to punishing the guilty!

  2. Are these guys Patriots or LARPS? I dunno. There’s no Constitutional provision that will require install Trump as Pres in August. Swing States need to retract their Electoral Votes and then Congress steps in. There’s no easy remedy here. And that pisses me off. But let’s deal with reality.

  3. August is someone’s wishful thinking. Byrne is a patriot from what I’ve seen.
    Decertifying the states’ elections and recalling delegates is what is going to happen. Biden has to be taken down to 269.

    President puddingcup will probably get ’til ’22. [Unless Congress 25ths him and she-bitch first. lol]

  4. There’s another clip of Byrne telling everyone the obvious.
    But people have to accept it. They’re going to troll us hard and try to get us to fight them, physically, this Summer so do not take the bait.

  5. Before you go to a rally, find out who is throwing the party.
    Avoid people like Ali Akbar, for example. It’s not just blm and antifa we have to keep an eye on.
    It’s the pretend Right, too. Which are worse, because at least the left will tell you who they really are.

  6. ‘recalling delegates’? … not sure, at this point, what that’s gonna do

    hell, SCOTUS or the repugnicans didn’t even bat an eye when the D’rats nominated Harris as VP …. basically certifying her as a bona-fide ‘natural-born citizen’ (which she is NOT; O’Breezy’s fake birth certificate acceptance basically let anyone in the world be US president)

    Constitution? … we don’t need no stinking Constitution

  7. “This highway leads to the shadowy tip of reality: you’re on a through route to the land of the different, the bizarre, the unexplainable…Go as far as you like on this road. Its limits are only those of mind itself. Ladies and Gentlemen, you’re entering the wondrous dimension of imagination. Next stop….The Gaslight Zone.”

    Ever get that feeling that you know what happened, know what’s going to happen, and know what should happen instead, if you could JUST GET PEOPLE TO LISTEN?

  8. You know the rats and the pukes, basically the left stole this election, but those I will always put the brunt of the blame on are the sheeple. If people didn’t turn to being scared of their own shadows, hiding under their bed with their masks, face shields, gloves and disinfectant wipes it never would have gotten to the point they would have had all of these mail in ballots and drop boxes.

    Yes, I took down a lot of names.


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