Katherine Stone is a 21-year-old woman working at a brothel in Nevada who happens to be a virgin. In an effort to capitalize on her situation, she’s decided to auction off the opportunity to deflower her, as long as the price is right. Her ideal price, a cool million dollars.
Currently the bidding is at $400,000.
Firstly, any girl “selling it” is not worth anything.
BUT, if we want to play that game, I give her a Trump rating of 5.5
ht/ rob e.
She looks like she just removed her Niqab (muzzie hood).
I would rather bet the $400,000 that she isn’t a virgin
I’ll tell you what, I know a guy that will take it for the team for $300…
Looks kind of like 0bama’s mother. Similar occupation too: whore to those who don’t mind ugly.
Brothel? So…handjob watching the sun set,maybe a blowjob? Frottag to climax? Pearl necklaces not a problem? How about dew on the rose petals? She might be a Virgin, but I imagine the sex would seem wayyyy too professional. Virginity is supposed to be synonymous with innocence. Besides she dresses like a hooker,but not the expensive kind.
Figured it would say she’s a dude.
I bid $1
Don’t do it, dude. You’ll be that guy that was stupid enough to pay for something real men get for free. Especially not for someone no higher than 5 on a scale of 1-10.
Even $20 is $20 too much.
Interesting how through the depravity of amoral men she can sell the worst f**k she’ll ever have for more than she’ll ever get afterwards.
She was already a whore. I find it amazing how some people don’t care about such things.
Now I am confused, I thought all females are virginal and innocent and don’t like their vagina called a pussy by men and that all men are cads, scoundrels and focused on sex to the point that they would pay for it from some virginal, innocent woman who likes to call a penis a dick?
Yeah, right. Her left armpit is virginal.
Half of it anyways.
Lack of experience should mean a significant discount.
I thought all the women in brothels were virgin?
“Were” is the operative word.
First have a Doctor confirm her virginity. second if confirmed set up a go fund me account for the longest most massive horny beast of a man that can be found and let him wear it out.
Boy, if I had the money…
I would pay the little bimbo, as long as I can film it.
And I had full rights to the video.
And I get to stream it live via subscription.
And I get a full sixty, uninterrupted minutes.
And She’s not allowed to leave camera range for the whole time.
Then I would meet this ‘young lady’ in my best suit.
And I would sit that ‘young lady’ down give her the Epic Grandaddy of all DAD LECTURES on how she should be ashamed of her damn self, how she should not work in whore houses, how she should straighten up and fly right, have some damn self respect, and ten thousand other things I can’t think of right now.
She looks like a poor relation to the Kartrashians.
Fat, ugly, sleazy and dumb as a brick.
Yes, and my mother is a virgin too!
I’m confused. Is she offering the money ’cause I’m damn sure she’s not worth it.
She’s 21 years old, she works at a brothel and she lives in Nevada? Yeah and i’m a distant ancestor of Pope John Paul the second! Whos is she kidding?
Pay for sex? Like, with money? Why pay for something that’s free?
Like a virgin, touched for the very first time……TODAY.
There’s a sucker born every minute!
izlamo delenda est …
If she is a virgin, then Michael Robinson is the most glamorous First Lady the world has ever seen!
The bid of $1 was way out of line,.25 cents should more than cover it. The fumigation cost would be prohibitive.