Virginians: Get the rightwing vote out for tomorrow – IOTW Report

Virginians: Get the rightwing vote out for tomorrow

From PHenry-

Virginia votes tomorrow!!!!

 The balance in the Statehouse is very narrow.   Planned Parenthood, and Soros and Steyer and Bloomberg are swamping the airwaves. 

If the Statehouse turns Blue we’re done.

The margins are razor thin.   

In Fairfax  County, none of the libs on the school board have children in the school system but are pushing a radical LGBTQ+ agenda.  They’re also pushing bussing.  It’s the 70s all over again.   

If you don’t know who is who, and since that level doesn’t do D or R after candidates names on the ballot, get a Republican voter guide out front of the polling place.  If there is no Repub table, get the democrat voter guide and vote the opposite! 

This is gravely important!   – PHenry

17 Comments on Virginians: Get the rightwing vote out for tomorrow

  1. I cannot believe those idiots are pushing bussing/desegregation again. It ruined my high school years. I didn’t realize just how many things that I missed out on because of it till years later. Sad.

    What about the planet-those busses belch all kinds of smoke and fumes into the atmosphere! Does Prius build a giant yellow version?

  2. May the Lord bless your efforts, @Phenry. Like your namesake, may it be “Liberty or Death”.

    Liberty for your State, with the Death of Democrat ideas, hopes, and ambitions.

    Good advice on determining who to vote for in the obscure elections, too. Democrat voting lists are the PERFECT reverse barometer, since if it wasn’t BAD, they wouldn’t WANT it for US…

    Godspeed your victory, and may it be a light for us all,

    God Bless,

  3. Just imagine the pro infanticide obstetrician Governor, blackface/kkk hood wearing (all in jest, right?), his fellow blackface wearing Atty Gen and the Lt Gov, accused of multiple rapes….none of whom have been held accountable…. seizing control of the razor thin statehouse.

    All of the stories about Virginia’s reckless executives have been rope a doped by the media.

    But imagine if they have a cooperative and compliant legislature? It’ll be California and New york and Massachusetts. We’re fookin fooked and I have to decide whether to stand and fight, or leave.

  4. My land in SC is beckoning. I have been down there for the last three weeks trying to get things rolling. Came back Saturday to take care of some VA home business and am hanging around to vote my conscience.
    God save us!
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  5. Crackerbaby! An inaugural IOTW MidAtlantic Meetup guy!

    The evening grew late between the two of us, discussing politics, philosophy, family and life.

    What a great night. A friendship and kinship was born that night.

  6. Thanks for the spotlight on the Old Dominion… which, thanks to northern Virginia (aka where the DC swamp workers live), is precariously close to signing on to the New World Order.

    Here in the Shenandoah Valley, I’ll be voting on my way to work. And, we’re giving our employees time off to vote during the day. Just the ones who will vote conservative, of course. Not discriminating… it’s just that the lefty hires come and go and it turns out the small core crew of dedicated, reliable, sensible folks who will show up tomorrow are conservative. Funny, that.

  7. Wish I didn’t have to miss the meetup.

    Virginia has separate ballots and “curbside voting” this year. Last year they told me they were “out of Republican ballots”.

    What could go wrong?

    Regardless, please vote today. It has never been more important.


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