Was Ted Cruz Lying, Just Like Trump Said? – IOTW Report

Was Ted Cruz Lying, Just Like Trump Said?

I never really understood why the name Goldman Sachs became such a dirty word to be associated with if you were a politician, but, apparently, Ted Cruz is knee deep with them, took money from them, and then forgot to report it.

Forgetting to report it would indicate that Cruz thinks it’s a bad thing to be associated with them. So, I better bone up on this issue.

Conservative Treehouse

Senator Ted Cruz Admits “Inadvertent Fraud” From Goldman Sachs Campaign “Loans”…

Ted Cruz campaign said they’ll go through the enforcement mechanism of the FEC instead of the compliance division for resolution.

By going through the “enforcement division” (took over a year) they would delay any damaging information from discovery until after the 2016 Presidential Election.

The commissioners voted unanimously that $1.1 million in loans to Cruz’s 2012 Senate bid from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Citigroup Inc. should have been disclosed to voters. The loans first came to light during Cruz’s GOP primary bid in last year’s presidential campaign.

The FEC did not specify whether Cruz would face a penalty, but auditors found that he made five loans to his campaign during 2011 and 2012 totaling $1.4 million.

Auditors said that $800,000 of that total came from Goldman Sachs and $264,000 came from Citigroup, with the rest coming from Cruz’s personal funds.  (more)

Senator Ted Cruz is part of the “controlled opposition” team.  He is a member of the same GOPe professional political class as Senator Mitch McConnell.   His run for election in 2016 was for the same purposes as all other GOPe members.  If not for Donald Trump, you’d have been looking at a Jeb -vs- Hillary general election, and a Hillary Presidency.


ht/ fdr in hell


39 Comments on Was Ted Cruz Lying, Just Like Trump Said?

  1. What do you think we, the loyal opposition, were “trying” to get everyone to realize all that time? That, and the whole TPP thing — with Heidi Cruz serving as a long-term official on the thingamabob board that pushes open borders.

  2. Why do you Trump supporters even care anymore? Trump has completely sold you out. No wall. More refugees. Still in NATO. Still in NAFTA. Half his adminstration are former Goldman Sachs executives. You guys crack me up.

  3. Jon, you should do some research, like an intelligent person, and find out when those quotas were established. But you’re not an intelligent person. Keep drinking the kool aid. You’ll find no friends here. Go back to the Scoop

  4. Bad_Brad,

    Trump’s State department is doubling the amount of refugees we allow into our country. That’s a fact. You can shoot the messenger all you want to but it doesn’t change the fact that Trump is not draining the swamp. He’s doing business as usual.

  5. “The pope also hinted that he may revise his views of capitalism. “This was an eye-opener for me. If we allow people to profit from their labors, maybe together we can make the Vatican great again.”

    The two men shook hands on the deal and fielded questions from reporters about how the recent efforts at reconciliation between the Catholic and Orthodox faiths might have influenced the outcome of last year’s election.”

  6. Those quotas were set by the Obama administration. And dumb fuck probably knows that. The scum traitors always ease out of the base boards like cock roaches anytime you insult their Dash Board Cruz.

    This isn’t helping Jon, you asshole. Trump needs Cruz on his team. I hate seeing stories like this because it drives a wedge. And then there’s people like you that put a candidate over what’s best for America.

  7. So Trump is powerless to stop this from happening? Well that actually wouldn’t surprise me. He asked Paul Ryan for a measly $1.5 billion for the wall and then rolled over like a puppy when he got told no. And meanwhile all his supporters think he’s still their guy.

  8. Hey Jon, he’s coming flying back from Fucking Europe right now asshole. Let his plane land before you continue he to push your “you fucking idiots should have voted for my love Goddess Ted Cruz”. Fuck off. You have no logic.

  9. No Jon, you don’t have it quite right.

    Trump put a ban on refugee settlement and the judicial branch ruled it unconstitutional.
    Trump’s budget slashed funding for resettlement by 30%
    The estimate is that in 2018 there would be enough money for 50,000 refugees, which is below Obama’s quota of 85,000.
    So, what did the ending of Obama’s quota actually do? Will there be more refugee resettlement?
    No, there will be LESS REFUGEES… because of Trump.

    Also, it is unclear if the state department did this with Trump’s knowledge.
    We’ll see.
    You know, he was in Europe not signing onto climate change at the G7.

  10. So Trump’s State department doubled the amount of refugees without his knowledge and you’re not concerned?

    Bad_Brad, shut up dude. I’ve been coming to IOTW way longer than you and I don’t give a shit about Donald Trump, or Ted Cruz for that matter. When I see people that I vote for start getting wobbly it pisses me off and I’m going to call them out. Join me and let’s get some shit done. Or keep being a fan boy and look pathetic.

  11. “don’t give a shit about Donald Trump, or Ted Cruz for that matter.”

    Buuuuull Shit, I remember you during the primaries. You’re a Cruz love child. Teddy, Tedddy, sniff.

  12. Hey Jon, when was the last time you saw the President of the United States come back from an overseas trip after spending a week defending and supporting our country? Yeah, I thought so.

  13. When’s the last time you heard Trump talk about the wall? You remember the wall, right? It’s the structure that was going to be built to stop illegal immigrants coming from Mexico. Me and Ann Coulter were kinda hoping that would really happen.

  14. Jon, you are probably a smart guy. Do you think that President Trump has any allies and supporters in congress? We all want everything done right now. I like where we are going.

  15. Cruz Control has always been a shady candidate, as soon as he got in office under the guise of being a member of the ‘tea party’, he’s done nothing but push NEOcon, globalist ideals while acting holier than thou and lining his pockets with cash [the entire article listed above]. His wife is for open world borders, she’s also one of the lead ‘task force members’ for the north american union/community project, which would open the borders for all three countries on the north american continent.
    [also can’t forget the whole dominionist thing with ‘ol Papa Cruz, yeah, that’s just the cherry on top]

  16. Canadian son of a Cuban father – Never was qualified to become President.
    I know, that didn’t matter when the halfrican bastard ran, but despite 8 years of an unconstitutional prez, republicans could not have gotten away with it.
    Hillary would have beaten him.

  17. 1. Born in Canada and pretended to have NO IDEA that he was Canadian all while having to revoke his Canadian citizenship AFTER being elected by the citizens of Texas and in the process of trying to be elected President.
    2. Lied about loans.
    3. Could never have gotten close to beating Hillary – not even a smidgen of a chance.
    4. Hillary would have wiped the floor with him.
    5. We would all be saying, “Madam President Clinton” now.

  18. Glad all that “bury the hatchet” before the election bullshit is over.

    Now that it is, let’s slit each other’s fucking throats.

    Good thing Trump doesn’t have anyone from Goldman Sachs in his administration, huh? Like Steve Bannon, Steve Mnuchin, James Donovan, Gary Cohn, or Jay Clayton. All who were much higher in that org than Heidi Cruz ever was.

    Cruz was a solid campaigner but a lackluster national candidate. He built a grassroots organization that brought him to second place in his first attempt. That takes skill.

    Unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, playing Charlie Church doesn’t really allow you to jump down in the gutter and if you aren’t used to jumping in the gutter then you can step on your dick. Which is what Cruz did after the Chicago riot outside of the Trump meeting.

    This speaks nothing of Trump insulting his wife or planting stories in the Enquirer about his eight mistresses. What’s the status on those again?

    Without a doubt, Clinton would have thrown worse at him than that but I didn’t forget Cruz as one of the lone fighters during the Tea Party years. He has the skills needed to clean out the rat nest of bureaucrats in the courts who are unconstitutionally blocking legal executive orders today.

    Why you all want to keep re-litigating this is beyond me unless you’re as bad at winning as Hillary Clinton is at losing.

  19. I can make you ALL mad-every single one of them have some sort of shit on their hands, and that’s just a fact. That’s just big kid politics and business on that level, never seen a soul reach it that didn’t, to one degree or another. I’m also not happy in regards to the State Dept announcement on refugees. Done.

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