WATCH: House Democrats apologize for privilege, discuss their trauma related to Jan 6 Capitol riot – IOTW Report

WATCH: House Democrats apologize for privilege, discuss their trauma related to Jan 6 Capitol riot

PM: Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Scott Phillips, and other members of the Democratic Party spoke on the house floor on Thursday night, sharing their stories from the Capitol Hill riots that took place one month ago.

Ocasio-Cortez’s statements started by paying tribute to the two officers and four others who lost their lives during the riots, saying the events were incited by former President Donald Trump.

“Some are already demanding that we move on, or worse, attempting to minimize, discredit, or belittle the accounts of survivors. By doing so, they not only harm those who were there that day, and provide cover for those responsible, but they also send a damaging message to survivors of trauma all across this country; that the way to deal with trauma, violence, and targeting is to paper it over and move on.” more

13 Comments on WATCH: House Democrats apologize for privilege, discuss their trauma related to Jan 6 Capitol riot

  1. They all act like they survived the Nakatomi building attack.

    Listening to the asswagon say that since he was white he could pass for a republican and be safe but his minority democrat colleagues couldn’t.

    That kind of shit makes my blood boil.
    It’s up there with “back in chains.”

    Why do blacks put up with that shit?

  2. Does it matter that I’m still traumatized because of the stolen election? And those people who were peacefully protesting at the capital were there because of the trauma they were suffering.
    Or are only progressive Democrats the only ones who can be traumatized?

  3. Like I should give a flying fuck about them.

    My sympathies are with populations that Democrats have sic’d their drug addicted worthless shitbag thieving no good pervert constituencies on in the name of compassion.


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