WATCH: Newsom Shocked to Hear Californians Blame Him for Shoplifting Problem – IOTW Report

WATCH: Newsom Shocked to Hear Californians Blame Him for Shoplifting Problem

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) related Wednesday that he had been shocked to hear a clerk at a Target store blame him for the wave of shoplifting that has struck retailers in the state since the adoption of criminal justice reforms that he has backed.

17 Comments on WATCH: Newsom Shocked to Hear Californians Blame Him for Shoplifting Problem

  1. He also didn’t understand why he needed Customer Service to help him get his hair gel. He is totally able-bodied.

    Also, every time I seem him, I see Mitt Romney.
    Just me?

  2. I almost don’t believe this story. Dudes a bit paranoid. Maybe for good reason. But it’s not like you’re going to spot the guy in Target smelling the hair care product with out 17 guys in dark suits and sunglasses carrying MP 7s surrounding him.

  3. Don’t forget taking the guns, the tyrannical lockdown, inflation, taxes, lgbtqrs, ruining small biz, forcing old people into homes to spead covid, letting thousands of dirtbags out of prison, and a 1000 other abuses of office.

  4. As long as there are stupid, drunken cat ladies voting in California, democrats have nothing to worry about. Just tell them that everything bad in their life is the fault of “racist rethugliKKKans!” and they’ll buy it.

  5. Nuisance: For daring to accuse me, I, me, your Leader, I shall make income taxes go Up, Up, Up. I shall build High-speed Railroads, High-speed Railroads, High-speed Railroads and make Everyone, Everyone, Everyone ride them (by this time he his rolling on the floor, salivating profusely, and chewing the carpet)….I shall outlaw Gas-driven cars, Gas-driven cars Gas-driven cars after next year….and bring in 10 Million more, 10 Million more, 10 Million more people from south of the border.

    You people started this war….I shall be a prophet once again….you started it, and I shall finish it.

  6. NEWSCUM makes me sick. He has ruined the great state of CA. He started in Sanfranpoopo, moved on to decimate the state, and now is running for president. Teeth whitening products combined with hair gel has affected his brain.

  7. The audio drops on the JohnPhillipsShow on am790 12-3pm M-F from ‘people on the street in Oakland, LA, SF, and elsewhere are classic. They epitomize the hellhole fucking mess of a commie tardzone that single party Dems have spawned in CA.


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