WATCH: Sarcastic New Ad Rips Biden’s Student Loan Debt ‘Bailout for Rich Kids’ – IOTW Report

WATCH: Sarcastic New Ad Rips Biden’s Student Loan Debt ‘Bailout for Rich Kids’

A sarcastic new ad being rolled out nationwide captures the unfairness of Joe Biden’s executive order that forces hardworking, responsible Americans to assume the student loan debt of college grads.

9 Comments on WATCH: Sarcastic New Ad Rips Biden’s Student Loan Debt ‘Bailout for Rich Kids’

  1. I don’t think it’ll ever actually go through. It’s just a bunch of B.S. to try to get a few more votes in the mid-terms. After the dems get their asses handed to them in Nov, they’ll A)conveniently forget about it, and B)Won’t be able to get it passed anyway.

  2. I remember well all of the students I went to school with taking out student loans in order to enjoy spring break in Mexico, California and Florida. Not a single one of them gave a hoot in hell if they graduated in debt up to their eyeballs.

  3. Government controlled tuition is a Ponzi scheme. Cause of High Tuition? It’s the Government, Stupid.

    For-profit firms raised tuition fees in the face of generous federal programs which in turn attributed a majority of tuition increases back to the federal programs. The massively dysfunctional federal loan programs caused the problem.
    Democrats talk about making loan terms easier for student loan borrowers, which in terms of effectiveness is roughly the equivalent of firefighters throwing gasoline instead of water on fires.
    You can thank Obama for this circle jerk. His policies started the whole mess.

  4. Biden is a longtime known race-hater (KKK associate) who is attempting to buy the black vote with a false “promise” of eliminating school loan debt. He can’t do any such thing legally since it’s not in his authority which he knows, and instead is pushing out yet another falsehood to entice the gullible and naive. The sinister democrat party know fully that if they lose the black vote there will be no recovering from it.

  5. @mickey moussaoui August 28, 2022 at 11:15 pm

    > You can thank Obama for this circle jerk. His policies started the whole mess.

    It wasn’t Obama — shockingly it wasn’t even a Democrat — that made student loans magical unicorn farts. That banksters don’t have to worry about “eating”. Like all the other bad credit loans they make.

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