The legislature in Wisconsin sent a bill for Governor Scot Walker’s signature that will allow boaters to pull skiers without a spotter. So long as the boat has a mirror with a wide enough view, they figure the driver can both watch his skier and steer the powerboat, safely.
This is all going to end in tears.
But they can still text, right?
Here are other things you can do with a mirror
There are many videos
great video PC.
It is high time that stupid spotter rule was eliminated.
Most good ski boats have a huge mirror on the dash.
Biggest problem is that jet ski’s can pull skiers now.
Have this where I live. Most people don’t do it.
Great news!
For spotterless water skiers who happen to live in Wisconsin, I guess…
I agree, as long as you are the only one on the lake. Once you get crowded water you need a spotter.
The Colorado in Yuma is the only place I deal with this, and if you don’t have a spotter you might kill the Skier. There’s just too much traffic and Drinking on the River to not have a lookout !
water skiers ….. aquatic speed bumps
Well if you don’t ski, then you might think that the spotter rule is a good one.
but if you do you know it is stupid.
why not a drone boat water proof controls dead man throttle?
Motor boats, water, speed…..I’m for a spotter.
Why is this news? Some states require observers, some don’t.
As a pilot of Champion 206, Water Skiers, Wake Boarders, and Jet skiers can kiss the left side of my right cheek.
How many boat owners only know one other person that will go out in the boat with them?
I water skied when I was a teen. It was a Chris Craft wood boat. I think.
And a Glastron can’t remember which model though
I’m a firm believer of banks, beers, and fishing rods. Phuck that.
I am a water skier. No way am I going skiing without a spotter. Too many other ding-dongs on the water. I want the driver to watch the water and the spotter watching me. On a busy day, I want that flag up post-haste if/when I go down.
Why don’t snow skiers have spotters, too? After all, snow’s just frozen water.
It’s that whole boat thing, isn’t it?
For that matter, since they don’t have boats, why don’t snow skiers have Sno-cats to pull them? Think of how much faster they could go. Especially uphill.
I get a lot of good ideas like this. I ought to start writing some of them down.
My water skis are self propelled. Who needs a boat!
Uncle Joey: I don’t need propulsion, I just go downhill.