Water Streaks on Mars – IOTW Report

Water Streaks on Mars

The space agency has evidence that salty water may seasonally flow on Mars.


This would mean Mars warms up enough for water to flow downhill and may create an environment that could produce life on the red planet.

Using time lapsed photos they believe they have shown water flowing downhill.


48 Comments on Water Streaks on Mars

  1. Good. Send the liberals and all the minorities that the left supposedly “embraces” to the new planet and let them live out their utopia. With a little luck,, they should all be dead within a year.

  2. I think the issue will be the following.

    We are decendants of the martians, who by the way were mostly brilliant muslim engineers. They accidently ruined their atmosphere with CO2 from emissions and were likey to escape to earth before the planet became barren.

    Thus we must act now before it is too late for us. Embrace muslims and cut all CO2 before we end up like Mars…….

  3. What is most interesting about this is that it was a college intern who made the first discovery of this back in 2010. He ended up being one of 8 principal investigators on this finding, not just some bureaucrat from NASA..

    This really is a very important and incredibly significant scientific finding.

  4. This was the big weekend cliffhanger. Coincidentally Mars was 2/3 water, like we are, before it got to where it is now.

    The moral of the story is to act now on climate change to not be like Mars.

  5. I am willing to move to the new frontier, I have always dreamed of living on Mars. I’ve read the Martian Chronicles over and over, I know the book inside out.

    I want to live on a planet where there is no islam and no ni**ers. We will have to make sure that only nice middle class white people are allowed in, LOL

  6. The picture is taken from the book cover of “Beige Planet Mars”. It’s a novel by Lance Parkin and Mark Clapham. It’s sort of a spin off of the Doctor Who series, in case you’re wondering about the link ‘tardis.wikia.com.

    It’s a fun book. But Doctor Who is better of course.

  7. Fascinating idea isn’t it? The Cassini spacecraft is going to make a 30 mile close approach to Saturn’s moonlet Enceladus October 28th to sample the liquid water spewing into space from its south pole. The presence of a liquid ocean that the entire crust is floating on was recently revealed, and it too holds to very real possibili9ty that some form of life has evolved there that lives off the energy from Enceladus’ hot rocky core.

    When Cassini arrived at Saturn in 2004 we knew of 5 moons orbiting Saturn. Now we know of 63…still a lot we do not know about how and where life may have risen.

  8. So the streaks just start and stop in the same place, every single year? They don’t spread sideways, they don’t stop short, they don’t drip further down and when there isn’t “water”, the water deposit stains (or ditches) are still there? In the exact same place? Not deeper, wider or make a slight curve?

    *rolls eyes* NASA, clean your fucking lenses. You’re the same idiots who said they saw a face on Mars.

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