We have a new Patriot Pet in the Pet Portrait Gallery – IOTW Report

We have a new Patriot Pet in the Pet Portrait Gallery

This is Kenner.

I’ll let Kenner’s best friend tell us about him in the comments.

12 Comments on We have a new Patriot Pet in the Pet Portrait Gallery

  1. OMG, we love, love, love this portrait. Kenner Bailey was only 9 when he passed on back in February…he had both a congenital heart defect (murmur) and skin cancer. He was a champion until the end and he died in our arms. KB was my confidant, my BFF, the licker of tears, keeper of secrets and the sweetest chiweenie in the universe. We brought him home and buried him under his favorite oak tree in the back and I still cry for him.

    Wht do dogs have to be so wonderful? Parting is such sweet sorrow.

  2. Carmenzoid, what a proud looking pooch. I’m so sorry for your loss. Please know that so many of us here feel your pain, as we, too, know the special love that a good pup adds to our lives. What a huge blessing this little guy was to you! I’m glad he’s now immortalized in a BFH portrait for you.

  3. Carmenzoid, I’m crying with you. It hurts so much when they leave us, but I wouldn’t trade the years spent with them for anything.

    God bless you. May this beautiful portrait bring smiles for all the happy memories.

  4. That’s a great portrait. I love his ears. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m sorry for your loss, Carmenzoid. This sweet little guy will be waiting when you get there.


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