“WE. JUST. LOST.” House Dems Hit The Panic Button, Warn “Trump Is Dominating Hillary Clinton In The Polls”… – IOTW Report

“WE. JUST. LOST.” House Dems Hit The Panic Button, Warn “Trump Is Dominating Hillary Clinton In The Polls”…

Story HERE

Apparently Harry Reid seems to be an outlier. His colleagues think Harry’s whistling past the graveyard.

Harry Reid Flips Out Over Trump Leading Hillary: ‘He Will Never Win, the Polls Are Wrong’



27 Comments on “WE. JUST. LOST.” House Dems Hit The Panic Button, Warn “Trump Is Dominating Hillary Clinton In The Polls”…

  1. Trumpster’s speech on terrorism and national security this afternoon, where he called out Obama Clinton in the wake of this weekend’s terrorist attacks is going to resonate. I still think he picked up at least 4 points as a result.

    Terror attack after terror attack during Obama Clinton by foreign nationals from islamic countries with no response from the White House makes the choice pretty clear.

  2. mcn, I bullpenned that this past Saturday. Still haven’t seen anything else written about it, much less links to actual wikileaks. The article reads like a primer on Huma in furtherance of an unknown narrative. It’s good agitprop at the very least, because the claim made is not out of the question at all.

  3. I can just imagine the reek of Democrat fear-sweat, urine-soaked underwear, and the occasional stink of bowel contents voided through panic-loosened sphincters.

    Imagining the odor is pleasant but I wouldn’t actually want to be anywhere near those vermin.

  4. Instead of wishin’ and a-hopin’ and speculating on speculation, that everyone here at IOTWReport is doing their level best to get people registered and reaching out to their family, friends and neighbors to vote Trump. That’s how we will win.

    Keep Calm and Carry On. 🙂

  5. I have waited 8 years to gloat and I will gloat every time I see someone stick it to the Democrats. I’m gloating that Hillary is getting her come uppins. Providence is at work.

  6. If it gives Harry Reid agita, then i’m all for it.

    @Col. Angus:

    Fun factoid: Huma Abedin started her White House internship the same day that Monica Lewinsky started hers.

  7. My ideal scenario: When it is apparent that Hillary has lost, she has an unholy fit and refuses to call Trump. After flinging a lamp she has a massive stroke and spends the next 20 years hooked up to machines with plenty of time to think about the lives she has ruined. But thankfully, she never, ever gets to control another American’s life.

  8. If Trump wins I’m more concerned with all the RINO fucks in Congress & the Senate. You just Know they’ll try to gridlock Trump at every turn. Every. Fucking. Turn. (And that’s forgetting the Dems.)

  9. The line to replace the president is:
    1. Vice President
    2. Speaker of the House of Representative
    3. President Pro-Tem of the Senate
    4. not sure who is 4th, but don’t think it is a cabinet officer.

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