We Now Know The ‘Undisclosed Location’ Obama Is Flying Off To After The Inauguration – IOTW Report

We Now Know The ‘Undisclosed Location’ Obama Is Flying Off To After The Inauguration

DC: The president, Michelle Obama and their daughters will depart Washington, D.C. for a vacation in Palm Springs after the president-elect is sworn in Friday, TMZ reports.

After they welcome Donald and Melania Trump into the White House, they will take a helicopter to Andrews Air Force Base, where they will then board the plane previously referred to as Air Force One and head for California.

So far, Obama’s schedule has only said he will fly to an “undisclosed location” after the inauguration.


34 Comments on We Now Know The ‘Undisclosed Location’ Obama Is Flying Off To After The Inauguration

  1. I am surprised that a majority of comments on TMZ are anti-O’Blowme. On TMZ TV show, most of the staff are lefties. Although, I think Harvey might be a Hog-Cabin Republican.

  2. Believe it or not, on Saturday morning I’m flying to Palm Springs. 4 rounds of golf in 5 days, the weather report is cold and rain, and now I find out obama is in town. Darn it.

  3. Moxie Man, my eife is a lofotainment junkie who loves Trump. All last year, she’d report to me how the vast majority of the commenters in those milieus were down on Hillary and sick to death of Barky. He and she are going to learn the hard way that they have peaked.

  4. Not to be rude but, who cares? Just leave already. And leave the china, leave the Resolute desk, leave everything historical, etc…, just fu..ing leave already. But, take your filth with you when you go. You’re just half of a man, and you’re being kicked out of free government housing by a real man.

  5. My question is why is he and his fakes flying on taxpayer dollars in the “former used to be AF One??” We will stop paying for that shit. and cancel the secret service escorts as well. Toss the oBambos on the trash heap and rotsaruck..

  6. I don’t care if I’m the only one who feels this way, I hope the plane crashes. Both planes. How many free vacays, intentionally made more expensive, do these criminals get?

    If not a plane crash, then I hope they have allergic reactions to the in-flight lobster and there are no EpiPens onboard.

  7. Remember when Mooch said “we need to change our traditons”? We’ll in honor of the Obama’, I suggest we start a new tradition: instead of flying by helicopter, the outgoing President and first wookie are removed from Washing via catapult!

  8. Palm Springs? That’s appropriate for two reasons. One is that it’s way out in the desert and as a Filthy Mohammedan Savage, Obama likes deserts. Two is that Palm Springs has become the newest chic west coast hangout for gays. As our Filthy Mohammedan Savage In chief would say, “it’s a hole-in-one!”

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