We’re gonna wash that Flake right out of our hair – IOTW Report

We’re gonna wash that Flake right out of our hair

Daily Caller: Hedge fund owner and Trump ally Robert Mercer is donating $300,000 to support a primary opponent of Trump critic Republican Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, according to a Politico report published Wednesday.

The donation comes after rough criticism of President Trump by Flake, a longtime opponent of the president. The Arizona senator recently came out with “Conscience of a Conservative: A Rejection of Destructive Politics and a Return to Principle,” a book that attacks Trump for not being a conservative and claims the GOP is in “denial” about the president.

Mercer was a major donor to Trump’s presidential campaign and reportedly helped get both Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway jobs on the Trump campaign.  read more

17 Comments on We’re gonna wash that Flake right out of our hair

  1. To Republicans like Flake (just to name one of many) “conservative” principles include: unlimited federal spending (and money fabrication by the fed to cover said spending), unlimited federal power, open boarders and uncontrolled illegal immigration, corporate welfare and government of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy. So yeah, by their definition Trump is not conservative at all. And that’s a good thing.

  2. Flake is a total McCain stooge! Hell, if a few more lazy ass people had turned out in the AZ primaries last, Dr. Ward could have easily defeated McCain. “I’m with Her” Flake isn’t anything remotely similar to any type conservative. AZ needs to kick this twit out!!!

  3. He’s just one of many who need booted out of office. The primaries should be interesting. The entrenched, estabishment types are either unaware of how much they’re pissing off their base, or they don’t care. Perhaps it’s a bit of both.

  4. Man oh man, wouldn’t it be luv-er-ly to line up a bunch of
    big donors – NOT for the GOP – to fund opponents to specific traitors
    like McCain, Murkowski, Collins, etc etc?!?

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