West Virginia Law Maker Does Unintentionally Hilarious Interview From His Couch – IOTW Report

West Virginia Law Maker Does Unintentionally Hilarious Interview From His Couch

After a passage of a law, removing the illegality of selling raw milk in West Virginia, delegate Pat McGeehan celebrated with a constituent by drinking a little raw milk.

He says what happened to him following the celebratory sips is just a coincidence.

7 Comments on West Virginia Law Maker Does Unintentionally Hilarious Interview From His Couch

  1. My father-in-law dairied and my husband drank raw milk for 18 years. What makes a person ill would be if you dont skim the cream off the milk. It would be like eating a stick of butter. You get a little nauseous until it slids thru. If you know what I mean!

  2. Since moving to Idaho last year, I’ve had nothing but raw milk. A friend has a small herd of Jersey cows; very high butterfat content, in excess of 15%. I never skim it, in fact I shake the bottle before pouring. It tastes so good my little granddaughter calls it “sugar milk.” No one I know of personally has gotten sick from drinking it.

  3. I lived on a farm in Ohio during the summers when I was a child. For two summers when I was about 14 we had a milk cow and drank raw milk. Before that we drank raw milk provided by my grandfather who had 6 milk cows, and an old hand cranked cream separator. No one ever got sick from drinking the milk.

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