WH Avoids Answering On Yellen Taking $800,000 in Speaker Fees From Wall Street Hedge Fund – IOTW Report

WH Avoids Answering On Yellen Taking $800,000 in Speaker Fees From Wall Street Hedge Fund

Real Clear Politics

White House press secretary Jen Psaki avoided answering a question during Thursday’s briefing about whether newly confirmed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen should recuse herself from advising the president on issues related to the developing Gamestop/Robinhood/Reddit stock trading scandal.

Citadel, the firm that bailed out the first hedge fund to be bankrupted by the crowd-sourced stock-buying bonanza this week, has paid Yellen more than $800,000 in speaking fees in recent years.

After it was reported that Yellen was on the phone all day Wednesday talking to key players involved in all aspects of the scandal, most commercial trading platforms stopped the buying of more stocks involved in the ruckus on Thursday morning. More

The Guardian reported earlier this month that Yellen made $7 million in speaker fees from Wall Street. More

5 Comments on WH Avoids Answering On Yellen Taking $800,000 in Speaker Fees From Wall Street Hedge Fund

  1. Psaki is very talented at answering a non question with a non answer. That tends to happen when you’re reading from a script and reporters go out of order.

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